Chapter Nineteen: Ghvwurbhg Sduw Rqh

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(A/N: Just like the last chapter, pretty long. I think they might be the same length, but never mind. Onto the chapter!)

"Grunkle Stan, it's been storming all day long and we haven't had one tourist show up. Shouldn't we just close?" Dipper complained from behind counter with Wendy next to him nodding in agreement.

Stan stood at the front door and leaned against it. He sighed, "Okay, fine. I'll close down the shack for the day. Wendy, Soos, you can go home if you want or you can stay here."

"I'm going to stay here and chill out with Dipper," Wendy said and pat Dipper on the head, making him laugh.

"I'll stay here, too. I'm not going home in that weather," Soos announced, and then went back to cleaning.

Stan was about to tell Soos that he didn't have to work anymore, but just shrugged it off and wandered to the other side of the gift shop to check through the merchandise and make sure no one had stolen anything.

Dipper looked up at the door leading to the living room, wondering when Bill would join them. He had been in the bathroom for sometime, but then again, Bill got distracted very easily.

"This'll be fun!" Mabel then exclaimed, jumping up from being on the floor in front of the counter with Waddles. "We'll get to hang out all day with Wendy and Soos and not have to do any work!"

"Mabel, we just hung out with them last night," Dipper pointed out, but still smiled at his sister's excitement.

"Yeah, but I'm just talking about the four of us! Or five if Bill wants to join in, too," Mabel said, still smiling. "Hey, where is Bill?"

"He went to the bathroom a while ago, but he's still not back," Wendy explained with a shrug.

"Hey, uh, dudes?"

The three looked over to Soos who was looking out the window in the front door. He turned to look at them and pointed outside, "It stopped raining..."

"But it's supposed to storm till later tonight," Dipper interrupted and darted over to him.

Soos stepped aside to let Dipper look outside.

"...And it's black and white outside," Soos then finished.

Soos was right. The world outside didn't have any color and there was no rain. There were no animals or people outside and nothing seemed to move at all.

Dipper stood there in shock with his jaw hung open as the others crowded around to see what all the fuss was about.

"What the heck?" Wendy muttered, practically summing up everyone's thoughts.

Stan then pushed the others back and opened the door, despite Dipper's protesting. When he opened the door, it just seemed to be silent outside.

Stan cautiously walked out with Wendy, Mabel, Soos, and Dipper following.

They stood out there for a moment, confused and looking around to see if there were any hints for what was happening.

Dipper looked back into the gift shop to see Bill running towards them.

"Bill, what's happening?" Dipper questioned in a demanding tone as soon as Bill ran outside.

The blonde looked around and admitted, "I don't know but it's not good."

"Yeah, we already guessed that," Wendy mumbled, rolling her eyes a bit.

"Well, well, well... If it isn't the Pines family, and friends..."

Pact (A Gravity Falls Fanfiction)On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara