Chapter Seventeen: Kxuw

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(A/N: Decided to upload this chapter a bit early since I don't think I'll be on Wattpad when I actually want to post this... Sooo, here you guys go!)

"William, Mabel! Come over here for a second. I need you for something!"

Bill looked up from drumming his fingers on the counter and Mabel looked up from lying on the floor with Waddles to look at Stan who was standing near the door that lead to the living room. Bill cautiously made his way over to Stan while Mabel pat Waddles on the head before walking over to stand next to Bill.

"Yes, Mr. Pines?" Bill greeted, a small, polite, smile on his face.

"Dipper said he was going off in the woods for a quick break, but I didn't know he'd be gone for this long," Stan began to explain. "Long story short, I need you two to find him for me and bring him back to the shack to work. He doesn't need to be gone for this long."

"You got it, Grunkle Stan!" Mabel exclaimed, saluting to her Grunkle. "We'll get Dip-dop back here in no time!"

Stanford laughed and playfully ruffled the top of Mabel's head, "Good luck."

Mabel then grabbed Bill by his arm and tugged him towards the front door. The two exited the gift shop, walked off the porch, and started to walk into the woods.

"Hey, Shooting Star," Bill suddenly spoke up. "Maybe we should split up. We'd cover more ground and maybe find Pine Tree faster."

Mabel stopped and then nodded at Bill, smiling, "That sounds like a good idea! Yell for me if you find him first, and I'll yell for you if I find him first!"

Bill nodded in agreement and watched as Mabel ran off in the other direction, calling for Dipper. Bill then headed the other way, trying to think of where Dipper could be. He didn't really know Dipper's hiding places all that well. He wasn't even really sure if the kid had any hiding places at all.

"Pine Tree!" Bill then called out. "Come out, come out, wherever you are!"

The demon expected to hear Dipper's annoyed reply on not to treat him like a child, but didn't hear anything. It was a bit of an uneasy feeling as most of the time whenever Bill called for Dipper, he'd be there in a instance. He wasn't used to the teen not replying.

Oh, and the last time he had been alone in the woods, he came back out with one less eye.

Bill called out Dipper's nicknames a few more times before resorting to his preferred name, "Dipper! Come on, kid! Stanford wants you back at the shack!"

He kept silent for a few moments and then froze in place when he could hear someone else's voice off in the distance. It was faint but he could still make out the young guy's voice, "Don't make this hard on yourself, and just tell me where they are!"

  Bill quietly started to walk towards the voice. His heart nearly stopped when he heard someone cry out and then weakly snap in reply, "For the last time, I'll never tell!"

Bill's blood ran cold.

Pine Tree.

He didn't waste one second and bolted to the voices.

When Bill reached, the sound of the voices, he found a young man towering over Dipper who was being shoved onto the ground by the man's foot that was pressed against his throat.

The guy was wearing a light pale blue dress shirt and light gray pants. He was pale and had white hair with light pastel orange, green, purple, yellow, and pink colored highlights .

The man turned his head to look at Bill, and stared at him with wide, silver, eyes.

Bill clenched his jaw as he tackled the guy, forcing him off of Dipper and into the grass. Bill's hand was suddenly engulfed in blue flames, and he aggressively grabbed the left side of the man's face. He not only severely burned the man's face, but he dug his fingernails in, and the man cried out in pain.

He then suddenly vanished into thin air.

Bill stared in utter shock and confusion at the now empty space below him. The fire that had ignited on his hand then died out. Bill then heard Dipper whimper in pain behind him and whipped around and crawl over to be next to Dipper.

"Pine Tree? Kid, are you okay?" Bill exclaimed, worried.

Dipper rubbed his throat and coughed a bit before roughly saying, "...Y-yeah... I think so."

Bill's eyes traveled up from his throat to Dipper's forehead where blood was running down from underneath his bangs. Bill didn't hesitant to tear off Dipper's hat and lift up his bangs, earning some protest from Dipper, but he ignored it.

There was a cut that went straight across Dipper's birthmark, dripping blood down Dipper's eyebrows and his nose.

"H-how bad is it?" Dipper asked, his voice still weak.

"I think it's going to scar, but you shouldn't bleed to death," Bill commented, cleaning up Dipper's blood with the sleeve of his jacket. "What were you thinking, kid? Going off in the woods right after I got attacked all alone? Not your smartest idea, Pine Tree."

Dipper only faintly smiled, but then it faded as he muttered, "That guy wanted the journals... Bill, who was he? What was he?"

Bill sat there for a moment, silent as if he was thinking, while he held his sleeve to Dipper's forehead. He then sighed and admitted, "I wish I knew, Pine Tree. Whatever he was, he had some spell placed on him where I couldn't tell what he was."

"Kind of like that thing that chased you out of the Mindscape a few days ago?" Dipper suggested.

Bill's eyes widened and he shook his head, murmuring, "I sure hope not, kid."

"It really has you this scared?"

The word 'scared' stung Bill, but he still replied, "Anything that lives in the Mindscape is powerful, Pine Tree. I'm scared of something like that that is after me... And you."

Dipper looked at Bill with surprise as he took his sleeve away from Dipper's forehead, but then Dipper smiled, "Nice to know you're worried about me."

Bill stared at Dipper, but then looked away and shook his head. Dipper could've sworn he saw Bill blush and smirked at the thought.

The two then looked up to see Mabel running up to them, crying out, "Dipper! W-what happened?! Are you okay?"

Bill leaned back to let Mabel check on Dipper while he spoke, "I'm okay, Mabel, really. There was a guy who attacked me and wanted to know where the journals were. Luckily, Bill saved me from him, but the guy just disappeared... But, I'm okay."

Mabel then lifted up Dipper's bangs to see the cut through his birthmark and covered her mouth as she gasped.

"Oh, Dipper," she sighed and pulled her twin into a hug.

"Mabel, it's okay! I'm okay!" Dipper exclaimed, but hugged her back regardless.

"I'm glad you are...," Mabel murmured, still not letting go.

Dipper saw out of the corner of his eye, Bill nodding in agreement.

After Mabel was finally done hugging Dipper, Bill reached over and threw Dipper's hat on him again. Dipper adjusted it a bit and then stood, getting help from Mabel and Bill to regain his balance. They then started to head back to the shack, luckily remembering the way.

Mabel frowned as she noticed the blood on Bill's sleeve and scolded him, "Bill, we just got the blood out of your jacket! Now I'll have to clean it again!"

Bill only laughed in reply, making the twins laugh too.

"Hey, um, Bill?" Dipper suddenly asked, earning Cipher's attention. "You, uh, don't think that guy who attacked me was the same guy who attacked you? I mean, it's obvious he used magic just like the guy who attacked you did."

Bill seemed to stiffen at the question, and then saw the concern in both of the twins' eyes. He gave a small shrug and looked down at the ground, "...I don't know, kid. I really don't know... I wish I did..."

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