Chapter Sixteen: Vhoosryhu

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"Hey, Bill, can I ask you a pretty weird question?"

Dipper looked at Bill who was sitting at the end of his bed as Bill sat at top with the journals open on his lap. Bill looked up from his Rubik's Cube to look at Dipper. He shrugged and replied, "Sure, Pine Tree. What's on your mind?"

"So, uh, the other day Mabel was joking about that when her friends come over tonight that they were going to mess around with a Ouija board," Dipper began. "And I was thinking about it and was wondering if you were able to communicate with a Ouija board."

Bill raised an eyebrow at the question but then nodded and said, "Yep. One of the only exceptions to anything in the Mindscape being able to mess with things in the real world. It's fun to mess with humans with that thing!"

"Oh, man, that's cool!" Dipper exclaimed, eyes widening with interest. "So, like, all those ghost stories I hear about Ouija boards are real?"

"Most of them are, but then again you humans love to make hoaxes," Bill explained. "It's kind of insulting to the paranormal, though."

Dipper snickered and then commented, "The Mystery Shack must be an abomination to the paranormal then."

Bill nodded and chuckled, "I want to burn it down."

Knowing Bill, he probably would if he didn't live here, Dipper thought to himself while laughing.

"Hey, because Mabel's having another one of her 'sleepovers' doesn't mean we're going to have to sleep in the living room again, are we?" Bill then asked. "That wasn't very comfortable for me."

"Well, I talked to her about it and she said we could stay up here, but we'd just have to not complain about them doing girl things," Dipper explained.

"I'll just sleep through the whole night and work on a few things in the Mindscape," Bill explained with a shrug and returned his attention to his Rubik's Cube.

"What do you even do in the Mindscape?" Dipper asked. "I know you're 'working on things', but could you... I don't know, go in more detail?"

Bill didn't look up from his Rubik's Cube, but replied, "Currently, I'm trying to regain some of my powers. I'm still weak from that attack. My body's fine, but my powers are still recovering. If I didn't have to do that, I'd be working on spells to keep myself hidden from other beings that are out to kill me."

"Geez, who have you pissed off?" Dipper chuckled and was caught a bit off guard when Bill exploded into laughter and was able to get out, "Kid, that's a long list."

Dipper only smiled at Bill and shook his head at the demon.


Late that evening, after dinner, Grenda, Candy, and Pacifica showed up and quickly turned the attic into a bit of a madhouse. As soon as the girls began gossiping, Bill headed to his bed and fell asleep. Dipper just decided to catch up on some reading that didn't involve the journals.

After about an hour and a half of reading, Dipper happened to overhear his and Bill's names mentioned. He decided to listen in.

"Yeah, it was pretty gross trying to help Bill out," Mabel began. "But, Dipper did most of the work and I was like his nurse! I never want to be an actual nurse if that's what they have to put up with for pay."

"Gross, I could never try to deal with so much blood," Grenda exclaimed, sticking her tongue out at the thought.

"It was either that or he bled to death," Dipper chimed in, earning the girls' attention. "Also, watching a lot of horror movies will prepare for that kind of stuff."

"Um, no thanks," Pacifica muttered. "You dealt with that his blood and vomit? That's disgusting."

"Someone had to do it," Dipper said with a carefree tone and shrugged. "I think the vomit was worse than trying to take care of his missing eye, though... Actually, wait no..."

"Can we stop talking about this now?" Mabel interrupted, making Dipper laugh. "You're going to make me throw up."

"At least we know Dipper will clean it up," Candy giggled and got a shove from Grenda in return.

Dipper shook his head at the girls who all started to laugh with him. Dipper then was distracted from the laughter to Bill's bed where he saw Bill tossing and turning.

That's weird, Dipper thought to himself. Bill normally doesn't move whenever he's asleep. He's pretty quiet and still.

The girls then noticed Bill moving too, as he had been making a lot of noise.

"Looks like someone's having a wild dream," Grenda softly laughed.

Mabel looked at her brother and mouthed the words, "but Bill doesn't dream".

Dipper turned his head to look back at Bill who was turned towards him now. Dipper stood up and carefully walked over to Bill, Mabel's friends giving him weird looks. He looked over Bill who seemed to be twitching a lot. He had seen people dreaming before, mostly because he was always the last person to fall asleep no matter the circumstances, and this was pretty aggressive for dreaming.

Bill suddenly woke up with a yelp and fall off his bed, hitting the floor with a large thud. Everyone flinched and gasped as Bill hit the floor and groaned in pain.

"Bill!" Dipper exclaimed, quickly kneeling next to Bill who was trying to sit up and grabbing his head in pain. "What just happened?!"

Bill hissed under his breath and then growled, "Something chased me out of the Mindscape."

The girls gave him confused looks and before any of them could speak, Bill continued, "I couldn't see who or what it was, but it was watching you and it then saw me a-and it just chased me out!"

Bill looked up, suddenly grabbing Dipper's face to bring it to his own. Dipper fought him a bit, but the blonde was stronger than him. Bill stared Dipper dead in the eyes and demanded, "You aren't possessed, are you?"

Dipper grabbed Bill's wrists to try to pry them off of the side of his face and snapped, "What? No, I'm not possessed! Bill, just let me go!"

After a quick final inspection, Bill finally pulled his hands away and Dipper immediately pulled away and stood up. He looked at Bill with shock and Bill just stared back with a bit of concern in his eyes.

The door to the attic suddenly opened up and Stan was in the doorway. He looked in, confused, and asked, "I heard something hit the floor. Is everything okay up here?"

"Bill's lost his mind," Grenda exclaimed, pointing at the blonde who crossed his arms and frowned at her.

"Everything's fine, Grunkle Stan," Mabel quickly interrupted. "I think he just had a bad dream or something. We're all okay!"

Stan looked over the group of teens before shrugging and closing the door.

All eyes turned to Bill, who just sat there on the floor, staring back at everyone.

"What was that all about? Mindscape? Dipper being possessed?" Pacifica demanded, giving Bill a suspicious look.

Bill raised an eyebrow at her, but then shook his head and quickly lied, "You know what? Never mind. It was just a bad dream. I-I'll just go back to sleep, now. Goodnight!"

Bill then crawled back into his bed, but not before he quickly turned to look at Dipper one last time. Dipper gulped as he saw the concern in Bill's eye.

(A/N: I apologize once again for another short chapter. I try to make these as long as possible without making them sound ridiculous. I'll try to make the next chapter longer, I promise!

Oh, and shout out to iamafamgirl on Instagram for giving the idea for having a sleepover! Sorry that this wasn't exactly your idea, buuut I did like the sleepover part!)

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