Author's Note

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Alrighty, so, I thought I'd write this to just say thanks, give a few fun facts about Pact, and talk about future works.

I honestly can't express how surprised I am with how much support I've got for Pact. I mean, I've got FANART for my writing which honestly shocks me?? And over four THOUSAND reads and over two hundred votes and comments??? LIKE?????

Ugh, just, thank you guys for all your support and kindness. It means more to me than you could imagine. I never expected this much love for any of my writing (especially this), so it just makes me want to cry when I see all the support from you guys. Thank you.

So, to start off the fun facts, guess what?

Pact originally was meant to be a side project while I worked on another fanfic that I had higher hopes for when I was working on both of them.

Of course, over time, I began to feel more pride for Pact and it ended up becoming more developed.

That other fanfic was going to be about how the Pines family and friends find a human Bill in the woods who has no memory other than his name. They were supposed to end up keeping him in fear of what would happen if they weren't keeping an eye on him.

The rest of it was supposed mainly be Dipper being really rude to Bill, but eventually getting along with him, and Bill getting a huge crush on him. Meanwhile, Bill was also supposed to experience vicious nightmares of his original form, and ends up finding out who he really was.

I realized midway through planning it out that, not only was it a very complicated plot, but Dipper uncharacteristically mean and Bill was OOC about seventy percent of the time even though he was supposed to only lose his memories, but keep his personality.

I still have the prologue, what I got done of chapter one, and one idea for a chapter kept of it.

What's funny is that Chapter 11 is loosely based around a chapter idea for that fanfic. Though, it played out a bit differently.

Speaking of chapter ideas, originally, when Dipper was attacked, he was supposed to get sick and lose his memory like Bill did. I ended up scrapping that idea because it just seemed repetitive and I wanted to do the party chapter really badly.

There was also going to be a chapter where Mabel, Dipper, and Bill were invited to go to the lake with Wendy and her friends. That was supposed to be a Dipper and Bill bonding chapter, but I decided to just use chapters 11 and 18 instead for the bonding and meeting Wendy's friends again.

I was also going to put a scene where Pacifica tried to flirt with Bill, and Dipper got all protective over him, but not only could I not find a place for it, but Mabel's crush on her got in the way.

This one's from my Instagram:

"Originally, during the party, Pacifica and Dipper were supposed to get into a fight (verbal, of course). Mabel ended up blaming Dipper for it and gets really angry at him and he storms out into the hallway and is really upset because it was mostly Pacifica's fault, not his.

Bill was supposed to find him and try to cheer him up, surprisingly succeeding.

Then it was supposed to go into a really cute scene, and then end up with Bill kissing Dipper.

Dipper was supposed to just stand there in shock, and Bill panicked and wiped his memory so he wouldn't remember because he didn't want Dipper to get angry at him.

Then the next day, Carabia and Tad show up.

Instead of exposing Bill's true identity, Tad decides to show Dipper the lost memory of Bill kissing him. Dipper ends up getting really pissed that Bill screwed with his memory and yells at him.

That was originally why Bill left.

But, there were a lot of flaws to this plot line.

How was Bill supposed to come back? How could Dipper forgive them? What would Carabia and Tad do afterwards? How would Stan and the others react?

It just ended up not working out in my favor and I had to come up with something new.

Oh, and at the end of chapter eighteen, Dipper was originally going to drag Bill along to go make fun of the dances with Wendy, but it just ended abruptly and I thought I would replace it with the cute scene that is there now.

Also, I write everything in Google Docs and transfer it to Wattpad afterwards.

Pact is titled "ill admit im running out of title ideas send creativity" (you can tell I began writing Pact before I even had a name for it heh) and it is 115 pages long!

Okay, so, moving on from fun facts onto what I plan to do next.

I'm planning to start another work (unnamed right now) that holds a whole bunch of scenes that follow the events of Pact, because let's be honest, Bill and Dipper probably would have a hard time trying to hide their relationship and Bill still has to gain a lot of trust from everyone.

Also, if you guys were interested, I was going to do a Steven Universe crossover with Pact, but I'm trying to decide if Bill, Dipper, and Mabel should arrive there as normal humans (and a half-dream demon for Bill), or accidently turn into Gems... Give me some feedback on this one, please.

And I also have an idea for another BillDip fanfic that I've been thinking about a lot. I still need a while to work on it though... It's pretty different from Pact, and it's kinda weird?? ...You'll see.

So, thank you guys so much for all your support, and please give me some feedback on those last ideas I had!

Thank you guys so so so so much! c: <333

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