Chapter Seven: Wuxwk

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Dipper was awoken by another crash of lightning with thunder loudly following. He flinched as his eyes tore open to reveal the TV in front of him playing commercials. Dipper then realized his head was on a pillow...

 Wait, Dipper's thoughts interrupted. My pillow's on the floor... Then what am I lying on...?

 He immediately looked next to him and realized his head on was Bill's shoulder.

 Dipper quickly sat up, nearly screaming a bit. Luckily, Bill sleeping and hadn't even noticed anything that had just happened. Dipper couldn't even believe he let himself do that... Or even be so close to the demon.

 He sighed and shook his head. He was just grateful that no one but himself witnessed it and that he would never have to hear about it again.

 I should probably sleep on the floor in case Mabel decides to come check on us, Dipper thought to himself. He grabbed his blanket, which some of it had gathered onto Bill, and picked it up with him as he stood up.

 Dipper almost instantly regretted his decision to stand up as it was freezing.He knew why too.

 Sometimes the heater wouldn't come on, leaving the shack pretty cold. Most of the time, Mabel and Dipper would open a window to let the hot summer air from outside in. Since it wasn't raining outside, they couldn't do that right now.Dipper wrapped his blanket around himself but still felt extremely cold. He bet the reason why he hadn't realized it was so cold before was because he was lying right next to Bill who was generating a lot of body heat. He was probably the only reason why Dipper was warm.

 He sighed as he chose to sit back down, laying his legs on Bill's lap. Dipper threw his blanket over himself, but then started to panic when he saw Bill's eyes flutter open a bit. His aqua blue stare wandered over to Dipper.

 "Mm, Pine Tree?" Bill muttered, sounding extremely tired.

 "Uh, d-don't' mind me," Dipper whispered. "I-I'm just trying to get comfortable. It's fine."Bill murmured something but then closed his eyes and almost instantly fell asleep again. Dipper sighed in relief and laid his head on the back of the couch. He closed his eyes and drifted off into sleep again.

 When Dipper woke up again, Bill was gone, the heater seemed to be working again, and it had stopped raining. He got up and checked in the kitchen to see no one was there, but there were a few plates in the sink and on the table. Dipper guessed the girls and Bill had already woken up and ate breakfast.

 Dipper then went up stairs and into the attic, but found no one there. Though, the girls' bags were still there. He quickly changed into a red button up and shorts and put on his hat.

 Everyone must be in the gift shop, Dipper concluded in his thoughts and then headed to where he supposed everyone was.

 When he opened the door to the gift shop, he saw Mabel and her friends hanging out, probably gossiping about boys as they always did. Wendy and Bill were at the counter, though neither of them were paying attention to each other. Wendy was reading a magazine and Bill was trying to solve his Rubik's Cube.

 Wendy then looked up and saw Dipper. She smiled and greeted him, "Morning, dude! I was wondering when you'd get up."

 "Why didn't anyone wake me up?" Dipper then asked and he walked over to the counter, but addressed his question to everyone.

 "You looked so peaceful that I didn't want to wake you up," Mabel explained. "You also looked adorable all cuddled up in your blanket!"

 Dipper rolled his eyes, but was mentally thankful that she hadn't seen him and Bill lying together on the couch... Or didn't mention it if she did.

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