Chapter Ten: Mrxuqdo Wzr

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"Rise and shine, Pine Tree!"

Dipper woke up with a jolt as he heard Bill exclaim above him.He sat up immediately and looked up where Bill was standing over him. The blonde was wearing his more formal outfit again and had his gloved hands on his hips.

"W-what? Bill? What are you doing?" Dipper whispered sleepily, trying now to wake up Mabel.

Dipper noticed that there was only a bit of sunlight entering the room through their window, which made him quietly ask, "Ugh, what time is it?"

"7:48 AM! But that's not the point!" Bill exclaimed, leaning down to come face to face with Dipper. "I've got great news!"

"Bill! Shh! Mabel's still sleeping!" Dipper warned, putting his hand over Bill's mouth.

Bill raised an eyebrow at Dipper, then the brunette took his hand off of him. The blonde then dropped down to sit on Dipper's legs. Dipper grumbled as he felt Bill start to crush his legs with his body.

The demon crossed his legs and leaned in so he could talk quietly to Dipper, "Alright, so last night I was summoned by someone here in Gravity Falls-"

"Don't tell me you made a deal with someone," Dipper groaned, rubbing the ridge of his nose.

"Shh, let me talk," Bill protested and then started talking again. "I didn't make a deal with the guy, kid. Don't worry. But are you interested in who summoned me?"

"Uh, sure?" Dipper replied hesitantly.

Bill smiled and then whispered, "It was Gideon Gleeful."

"What?! G-gideon?!" Dipper exclaimed, his eyes widening.

Bill put his hand over Dipper's mouth and nodding towards Mabel, "Shooting Star's trying to sleep, remember?"

Dipper stared at Bill as he smirked at him. Bill took his hand away from Dipper's mouth and began to talk again, "Anyways, the kid got out of jail recently and summoned me. He wanted something about destroying you and your family... Something about making Shooting Star falling in love with him... I dunno, I wasn't completely paying attention to the crazy little guy."

"And?" Dipper whispered, giving Bill a concerned look.

"And my point is Gideon was able to summon me," Bill pointed out, giving Dipper a moment to put the pieces together.

"Wait, how was he able to summon you? The summoning spell for you isn't even in the journal-... Wait, the journals!" Dipper gasped and then looked at Bill with wide eyes. "Gideon has one of the other journals!"

Bill nodded and Dipper's eyes glowed with excitement, "This... This is great! We know where one of the journals is! W-we have to go get it!"

"I like your thinking, Pine Tree!" Bill agreed, smiling as he spoke.

"What's going on? ... And why is Bill all fancy-looking?"

Dipper and Bill looked over to see Mabel sitting up in bed, giving them a confused look. Bill jumped off of Dipper, standing in front of his bed.

"We're going to break into Gideon's house and still a journal from him!" Bill explained, enthusiasm in his tone. "Oh, and this is my deal-making outfit!"

Mabel was now even more confused and tilted her head at him, then asking, "Okay... Can I come along?"

"Well, I don't-"

Dipper's mumbling was cut off by Bill speaking, "Sure! We could use your help!"

Mabel squealed in delight, jumped out of bed, and asked, "Awesome! What's the plan?"

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