Chapter Six: Prylh Qljkw

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(This is a pretty long chapter, but it includes a pretty cute Bill and Dipper scene so I hope that makes up for it!)

It had been around a week since Bill moved into the Mystery Shack, and to Dipper's surprise, he was settling in quite well.

Bill and Mabel had become friends rather quickly. When Dipper wasn't busy decoding with the demon, Mabel had him pulled aside and was making jokes and talking with him like he was a normal person... Well, to Mabel, he was. Bill seemed to not mind Mabel's company and got along with her well.

Wendy appreciated having Bill around... Mostly because she was able to take more breaks with him covering for her, but that wasn't the only reason. They would crack jokes with each other about their customers and coworkers and Bill listened closely to every word she had to give, no matter the subject.

Bill didn't talk with Soos too much, but he still got along with him surprisingly well. They had to work together every now and then and they seemed to work together pretty good. They never had anything bad to say about each other, which Dipper was pleased about.

Stan and Bill had a pretty good relationship to everyone's surprise. They seemed to both have a pretty sarcastic and somewhat dark sense of humor and enjoyed talking about breaking the law. Though, Dipper assumed that the thing that brought them together the most was that whenever a customer was being rude to Stan, Bill would pickpocket them and Stan would end up with the wallet of the angry customer.

Dipper and Bill were still struggling to get along. They tried to act like they got along in front of the others and they actually got along when they were working with the journal. Sometimes they would get into small arguments, but the others were never aware of them...


...It was a rainy Saturday night at the shack. The Pines family, and Bill, had just finished up dinner. Dipper and Bill had gone upstairs into the attic to work on deciphering the journal while Grunkle Stan was in the living room watching TV. Dipper had no clue where Mabel was or what she was up to.

Dipper laid on his own bed with a notepad, pen, and the journal with him. Bill sat at the end of his bed, fumbling with the Rubik's Cube. Dipper thought Bill would've given up on it by now, or solved it, but the demon still was trying to solve it. Dipper didn't give it much thought, though.

"Ugh, this makes no sense!" Dipper exclaimed, frustrated. "It's just a bunch of letters! There are no words!"

Bill leaned over and took Dipper's notepad from him. Dipper nearly snapped at him, but then realized it would be useless to try to argue with the blonde. Bill looked over Dipper's messy handwriting closely. He was working with the Caesar Cipher. He had the alphabet written out above the uncoded writing.

"You put two H's in the alphabet," Bill explained and handed the notepad back to Dipper, who gave him a surprised look. "You must be pretty tired to make that kind of mistake, Pine Tree."

Dipper looked at him as he noticed that Bill was staring at the dark circles underneath his eyes. He shook his head and replied, "I'm fine. It was just one accident."

"Pine Tree, I know more about the mind and sleep more than anyone you've ever met, and I know for a fact that you need some sleep," Bill pointed out, almost sounding annoyed.

"Pft, why do you care?" Dipper muttered, looking away from the demon.

"Because you're going to ruin all my hard work with that journal if you keeping messing up like that," Bill snapped, but Dipper only rolled his eyes in return.

Dipper was distracted as he saw a flash of lightning from outside light up the room, thunder loudly following. The rain began to come down harder, which made the once quieter sound of the rain that hit the roof begin to sound like tiny explosions from each droplet.

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