Chapter Five: Qhz Krph

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(I'm very sorry to say that from now on, I won't be able to draw a cover or a picture for each chapter. I don't necessarily have the time anymore and even if I tried to do a cover for each chapter, it would take forever to publish chapters even though they are completed. I'm very sorry.)

"Come on, Grunkle Stan," Mabel begged, giving him puppy eyes. "Pleeeease? Pretty please?"

 Stan looked over Bill again and asking, "You really won't work for pay?"

 Bill replied with a nod and said, "I don't need money. Just a place to stay."

 "Alright, kid," Stan smiled and grabbed Bill's hand to shake it. "You're hired. Welcome to the Mystery Shack. You'll start working tomorrow."

 Mabel squealed with excitement, hugging Dipper, who just rolled his eyes at her.

 "Oh, and, kid, I didn't catch your last name," Stan suddenly asked.

 Dipper's heart skipped a beat. He didn't think about a fake last name for Bill, and if the demon said Cipher that would blow his cover completely. It was bad enough he wanted to go by Bill and his voice sounded almost exactly like his normal one.

 "Rehpic. William Rehpic."Stan nodded, and pat Bill on the shoulder before turning to the twins, "Mabel, how about you make a place for Will here to sleep? Dipper, give him a tour of the place. He needs to be familiar with his workplace."

 "You got it, Grunkle Stan!" Mabel exclaimed with excitement and ran out of the gift shop to go work on Bill's sleeping space. Dipper stood next to Bill as he had been, waiting to show him around.

 "And if you don't mind me, I have some business things to do... very boring business things," Stan sighed, almost sounding sad, and walked past Bill and Dipper to leave the shop.

 Bill looked down at Dipper, smiling as he spoke, "See? I told you I could handle this."

 "Getting the job was the first part," Dipper pointed out. "Working is a completely different thing. We'll see how you handle the job."

 "Hey, we finally have a new worker! This will be sweet!" Wendy exclaimed, walking up to pat Bill on the back.

 "Yeah! It's been years since we've had another employee at the shack," Soos exclaimed, who sauntered over to join them. "Besides Dipper and Mabel of course."

 "So, Bill, is this your first job?" Wendy then asked.

 "Sure is. I can handle it, though," Bill exclaimed, smiling, but then looked at Dipper. "He are the other hand doesn't think I can handle."

 Wendy and Soos looked at Dipper, before Wendy chuckled, "Dude, come on, Dipper. Give your friend here a chance. He seems like a good guy!"

 He's not my friend, Dipper's mind snapped, but he spoke calmly, "I'm just saying he's being a bit too... arrogant? Yeah, that's the word. Arrogant!"

 Wendy shook her head and laughed, "Never mind. Anyways, I got to go. The gang's waiting for me."

 "Wait, you're still hanging out with Robbie and the others?" Dipper then asked, as he started to watch Wendy walk away."Of course! You'll have to hang out with us soon. The guys miss you," Wendy exclaimed, and then opened the door. "See ya!"

 Dipper waved at her, before his attention was drawn to Soos who spoke up, "Hey, aren't you supposed to be showing Bill around?"

 "Oh, yeah!" Dipper exclaimed, and grabbed Bill by the arm. "Come on, let's go. I'll show you where we take the tours."

 Dipper dragged the blonde demon outside and started to walk to where Grunkle Stan normally started tours.

 "You still like Red, don't you?" Bill chuckled, earning a furious look from Dipper.

 "Bill, no, I don't. She's like the older sister I never knew I wanted," Dipper snapped, glaring at the demon.

 Bill laughed as he saw Dipper's cheeks starting to turn red and poked one of them, "Aww, are you blushing, Pine Tree? How cute."

 Dipper growled and slapped Bill's hand away, but the blonde just snickered. Dipper shook his head and then spoke, sounding irritated, "You're going to have stop with those nicknames, you know. Mabel and the others will get suspicious if you're calling me Pine Tree and Soos Question Mark and... You get the point."

 "Okay," Bill replied, sounding more fine with the idea than Dipper had expected. "I'll try my best, Dipper."

 The brunette stared at Bill, with wide eyes and felt his entire body shiver as his name rolled off of Bill's tongue. It was a different and new feeling that Dipper wasn't entirely sure he liked. Dipper felt his cheeks grow hot and suspected that the rosy tent that had been there before had returned.

 Bill snickered and pat Dipper on the head, "You humans get flustered so easily! It's hilarious!"

 Dipper frowned and looked away from Bill and asked, "Ugh, do you want me to show you around or not?"

 "I would enjoy spending time with you," Bill exclaimed, still trying to make Dipper more flustered. "But, fortunately for you, I already know this place like the back of my hand."

 "Let me guess, from keeping an eye on me and the rest of my family?" Dipper asked, annoyed.Bill grinned and nodded, earning a groan from Dipper.

 "Do you think they'll get suspicious if we just go back in?" Dipper asked, only getting a shrug from Bill as a reply.

 "They're your family," Bill retorted. "You know them better than I do."

 Dipper sighed and spoke again, "We'll just wander around for a bit and then come back. Does that sound okay with you?"

 The demon nodded and Dipper began to walk into the woods, Bill following him. The two roamed around in the woods for while, and when they managed to find their way back to the shack, the sun had set and stars started appear in the sky. They entered the Mystery Shack through the back door and then heard Mabel running down the stairs to greet them.

 "I was wondering when you guys would get back!" Mabel exclaimed and then grabbed both of them by their sleeves. "Come on! You have to see what I did!"

 Dipper tried to pull away has Mabel pulled them up the stairs, but Bill did nothing and let himself be dragged along by the girl. Dipper was worried that he would trip and fall, taking the others down with him, but surprisingly they made it to the attic with little trouble.

 "Ready?" Mabel asked as she placed her hand on the door knob.Dipper shrugged and Bill nodded. Mabel's eye lit up and opened the door. The three stepped in and the girl motioned for them to look to the right of the door.

 There was now a mattress there. It had aqua colored sheets with a black comforter and a white and aqua, striped, pillow.

 "Well? How did I do?" Mabel asked, smiling widely.

 "Great!" Bill exclaimed, even though he didn't necessarily care about how it looked, but was just happy he had a place to sleep.

 "Mabel, where did you find a mattress so fast? And a double-sized one, too!" Dipper asked, sounding surprised.

 "I found it in the storage room! It was pretty dusty though, but I cleaned it up," Mabel explained and looked at the bed again. "I think it still needs a layer of glitter though..."

 "No, Mabel, no! It's fine the way it is!" Dipper exclaimed, earning laughter for Mabel.

 "I was just kidding, bro," she giggled and then watched as Bill sat down on his bed. "Make yourself at home! I'm going to go ask Grunkle Stan what we're doing for dinner."

 Mabel pat her twin on his head and then left the room.Dipper stared at the doorway, wondering if he should go after her. He wanted to stop her and explain who Bill really was. He wanted to tell her about the deal he had made the dream demon... but then Dipper thought about how excited Mabel was about having a new roommate. She would freak out to learn that Bill was actually the demonic triangle that had ruined a lot of things for both of them.

 Dipper came to the conclusion to keep Bill Cipher his own secret.

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