"It wasn't. But it doesn't matter even if it was, you'll always be more important."

I look down, attempting to hide my blush. "What if it was about... a murder?" I have to ponder for a good topic.

He tilts his head, the complete picture of nonchalance. "In general or one I committed?"

My eyes shoot wide and I halt in my tracks, causing him to stop as well. I snap my head up at him, eyes wide. "You haven't killed anyone, have you? " My voice is hushed while I try to make sure no one else hears.

His chuckle is deep and oh so familiar it's almost painful. "Is there anyone I should have?"

"Darius!" I whisper-yell, smacking his arm. "Don't joke about that. I'm being serious."

"So am I."

I open my mouth but when nothing comes out, I close it again, facing forward and continuing my way to class.

He catches up to me in less than two strides.

"Give me your hand."

"Why?" I ask.

"So I can hold it." He answers simply.

I blush. Again. But move my arm so that he can intertwine our fingers.

"Look at that." He muses. "Doesn't that feel better?"

I look away, at anything but him.

How is it that he can say things so casually, yet his words leave me speechless?

It doesn't make sense.

Once we reach my class, we stop outside of the door. I turn so that I'm facing him, my head tilted upwards, our hands still joined. "Thank you."

He rolls his eyes. No doubt, huffing about the fact that I did so. I mean seriously, what's wrong with having manners?

"You're welcome." He gives in. When he is just about to say something else, another voice sounds.


I look over to see Noah, a guy who I share this class with, walking this way.

"Hi." I reply, then notice his swollen eye. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine." He rushes. "I just wanted to thank you for sending those notes over the other day. I wanted to catch up for not being in and yours are always the best in the class, so."

"Of course. No problem." I don't think they're the best, but I appreciate the compliment.

He looks to Dare. "Hey, man. Great game on Friday."

Darius doesn't answer. Just stares frostily at him.

"Anyway." He clears his throat, cheeks turning pink. "See you in there." I nod and he hurries past us, entering the classroom.

When I turn back to Darius, his eyes, or should I say his glare, is focused on the door.


He looks down at me and loses the withering stare, only to gain a furrowed brow and a pout. "You gave him your notes?"

"Yeah. He wasn't in for one of the lessons so our teacher asked me to send them to him."

He glances back towards where Noah disappeared from our line of vision. "I don't like him."

"What?" I laugh.

"I don't like him. He gives me a bad vibe. I think you should avoid him from now on. It's for the best, I can smell his raging crush on you from here." He pulls a face. "And his fucking aftershave."

Enchanted  (Billionaire Boys Club #2) |  ongoing Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum