Chapter 47

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"Do you think that you could maybe just turn around and we could go and get lunch, instead?" I gaze up hopefully at my boyfriend.

"I thought you wanted this."

"I do... I did... You don't want to get lunch with me?"

He chuckles, pulling me into him where our hands are entwined. He kisses me, first on the lips and then on the head. "Too late. You'll be fine. She loves you."

It has been a week since I had dinner with Darius's parents and the day after, I got a text from a new number, his mother, asking if I wanted to have that tea date on Saturday. It is now Saturday. And I am scared. Because I agreed and now I'm here and Darius isn't going to be and I don't know what to do.

What if she recognises me? She clearly didn't last week, neither did her husband, but there's always a possibility, right? That mother, experienced woman instinct. What if she realises and hates me for not telling her son that we used to be best friends? That I used to spend nearly more than half of my time here?

"I think there's time." I spin around and take a step but he's already there, arms wrapped around me and lifting me off of the ground, carrying me to the door.

"There is not." He sets me right there and lays a hand on top of my head. "You have nothing to worry about, sweetheart."

"I know that." I say. But my voice is unsure and he can tell. "Can't you just stay for a little while?"


"But Darius-"

"You were the one who told me that, under no circumstances, were I to accompany you to this."

"I don't remember-"

"You made me sign a fucking contract." His eyes get that teasing glimmer in them.

"I did not."

"It was pink. And you handed me a glitter pen and told me to sign it after verbally telling me, multiple times, that I was forbidden from joining you because you wanted to do this on your own."

"Well... well..."

"Well..." He presses his l head to mine.

"Well, I take it back."

"The contract says that you can't do that."

"You would listen to the contract over me?"

"You made it. It's you against you. Either way, I listen to you. But the contract is binding. You said so."

I let out a growl and turn to see the door when it opens, revealing a maid.

"Good morning."

"Good morning." I reply on autopilot.

I feel him kiss my temple and the heat of his body leave. "I'll see you later."

"Wha- Darius!" I spin and stare openmouthed as he retreats to his car.

"It's going to be fine. I promise."

"But... but..."

"Don't make this harder for me than it is, baby."

"How is this hard for you?" I throw my hands in the air incredulously.

"I'll pick you up in a bit." He slides into his car and starts the engine.


And he speeds down the expansive driveway.

Wow. Just... wow.

Enchanted  (Billionaire Boys Club #2) |  ongoing Where stories live. Discover now