Chapter 1

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Snow falls like powdered sugar from the bluish-grey sky. Layering onto the trees and the buildings, making them appear as iced gingerbread in a delicious winter wonderland.

Wow, I'm hungry.

I haven't eaten since breakfast this morning. Not having lunch was probably a bad decision for my stomach but I couldn't be around so many people on the first day back.

Not to say that I don't like people. Because I do. But I'd just rather be surrounded by peace instead of clattering utensils and raised voices.

I continue to walk through the quiet streets of the early evening and take in the scenery. Breathing in the clean, crisp air.

School let out a while ago so before this, I visited the bookstore, which amount of time. I bought only one book though. Because I am a woman of my word and can limit myself.

Definitely not because I forgot my credit card and only had enough money on myself for the one.

But that's besides the point.

I hold it close to me inside of my coat as to not ruin it.

Why didn't I get a bag?

Oh. Because I'm still carrying my school one.

Why didn't I put it in the-?

"Fuck off, dude."

My head shoots up to find whoever spoke. My gaze landing on... oh.

Darius Ford.

He exits out of a cobalt blue sports car, belonging to his best friend, Oakley Wilde.

As he begins to walk away, Oakley pokes his head through the driver's side window.

"What? No goodbye? Or a thanks for the ride?"

In response, Darius gives him his middle finger over his head.

With that, Oakley laughs and speeds off to wherever he is heading.

He better be careful. The roads have been cleared but the snow is still falling and the cement will be slippery.

My eyes travel back to Darius. Like they seem to do every now and then.

But not for the same reason that every other person does when he is present.

When I look at him, I don't see a hot guy who plays hockey and can buy this whole town a hundred times over... well, I mean I do physically because that's who he is. But in an abstract sense.

When I look at him, I only see the boy who was my closest friend for a time.

Not that he remembers it.

I look out to the river from where I now stand on a little bridge.

The water is a deep blue. The lights from around reflecting off of it like a mirror. Making it look like there is a whole little starry kingdom below the surface.

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