Chapter 64

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As soon as Darius walked away, I tried to settle in my seat but soon realised that I had to pee. So, I turned to Lee who had just slid in but for some odd reason, he was being awfully difficult. Eventually, I wore him down and he ended up leading me into the house and upstairs to a bathroom that was surprisingly clear of people.

I was just drying my hands on a towel from the rack under the window, peering out of it, when I spotted him outside, covered by shadows. I could just tell that it was him. I only didn't know what he was doing.

Curiosity overtook me and I decided that I was going to go down there. But when I opened the bathroom door, Lee was ready to bring me straight back to the car.

"But why can't I just hang around for a bit while he's doing whatever it is that he's doing?" I asked, dancing around the fact that I wanted to go right to him, since I was guessing he would be against that idea.

"Because Dare wants you to stay in the car."


"Because you're tired."

"No I'm not. I'm wide awake now."

He sighed. Because it's late and people aren't normal when they're drunk and it's safer in the car."

I folded my arms over my chest. "It's a high school party. I doubt there are any cereal killers around." I felt like I may have been less nice than I could have been, but I wanted to go to Darius before he left, which I had a feeling he was going to. Also, I have to admit, I was still a little tired.

"Can you just come with me?"

"Is there something going on?"

"No. You just need to get back in the car. Come on."

Huffing out a breath, I started to follow him. It was pretty crowded in the house, which is saying something given the sheer size of it, but that made it all the more easy to get separated from Lee.

At first, I tried to call out for him because he had disappeared and I couldn't see anything past the bodies in front of me, but then I realised that I was just given an opportunity.

So I took it.

I made it outside, just in time to see Darius's distanced figure heading through the edge of the beginnings of a wood at the far end of the open garden.

I raced towards him and once I was in a position close enough to follow him but far enough that he wouldn't notice me, I remained at a steady pace and carried on and kept to his direction.

And then, when he stopped, I hid behind a tree trunk. I wasn't entirely sure why I felt the need to hide. But I just had a feeling that if I were to come out, the following events would not have occurred if Darius had it his way. Which, he constantly does.

But regarding those particular events: I saw everything.

I saw him put that fear-evoking mask on, covering his beautiful features with blue glowing, terrifying ones. I realised that Darius had led them there, the two guys. I watched him shoot them with sedatives of some kind and beat them and... torture them. I watched him take fun in it at some points. Even as they screamed and pleaded and begged, he never showed mercy.

He was petrifying.

But for some reason, I wasn't scared.

Not of him, anyway.

I could hear everything. I understood why he was doing it. He was doing it for me. To honour me. To defend me. To protect me.

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