Chapter 3

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I can expect a lot of things on a Monday.

I can expect to snooze my alarm three times before getting up. I can expect my mom to cook me cháo gà for breakfast. I can expect the same playlist to start in the shower when I turn it on.

But what I could not and definitely did not expect, was to be paired up with Darius Ford for an English project that is worth half of our grade and will take at least three months to do. Or so Miss Delaney says.

When everyone started to move, I stood up to let someone sit next to their partner. I realised that Darius hadn't moved and that I was going to have to be the one to go to his desk.

I felt my stomach flip. And not because I have a crush on him or anything. But because I knew when we spoke, it would be as if we'd never met before. Unless he remembers the bridge, of course. But before that. And I know it's silly to think. If I know then why do I get this sick feeling?

But it still hurts.

"Hey, sweetheart. Remember me?"

My heart skips a beat.

"From the bridge." I reply slowly.

He nods, confidence radiating off of his skin. The type that you can tell is ever present and never withering.

"Yep. Nice to see you got home okay on all of that ice."

I nod sheepishly.

"I never realised we were in the same class." He caries on, getting more comfortable in his chair. "How come I've never noticed you before?" He's asking me the question but it looks like he seems like he's genuinely confused and wants to know the answer.

"I don't really talk much." I shrug.

"Hm." He hums and keeps looking at me. It makes my blood heat and I turn to face away.

"So, what were you thinking for the project?" I ask, hoping it will break whatever weird tension I feel right now.

"I'm not sure. I don't really mind, though. You can pick."

I ponder on it for a moment. "Did you like the semester when we did classics?"

"I didn't hate it."

"We could do a few myths and legends." I suggest. "It's leaning towards history more than English but I think it would be okay."

"Sounds good." He says and I can do nothing else other than nod.


"Okay. Do you have any days that you're free on?"

"Weekends are mostly unoccupied. During the day, anyway. I have practice before and after school every weekday but I'm free after five on those."


"Do you do anything like that?"

"Like sports?"

I dip my head.

"I have ballet after school on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. And then again on Saturdays. The weekday's end at five, too and the weekend one is from five to seven. So, I think those timings are pretty good. We can definitely work with that, I think. Do you want to make a weekly schedule or..." Her eyes then widen and she gives me an apologetic smile. "Sorry."

"Sorry for what?" I tilt my head.

"I was rambling." Her cheeks tint a light shade of pink and she purses her lips before looking away.

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