Bonus Chapter 2

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The one I love the most in this whole world is my twin brother Sane. Mom told me, I drowned a duck when I was younger because it bit him. I'd kill for him. 

Love is an emotion I feel rarely.

For my brother? Yes.

For my parents? Sometimes.

For Jae oppa? Maybe.

Other than that I've never loved anyone. I've never cared about what happens to anyone. They could get run over by a truck, and I wouldn't bat an eyelash. Things became different when I was announced as the crown princess. Then one fine evening my parents sat me down and lectured me on how I should care about my people. My people as in the kingdom. That's a lot of people. I can't even remember my driver's names.

I sleep exactly at 11 p.m. Dad said I got this habit from mom. She liked to maintain her time. I never stay awake after 11 p.m.

What irks me the most is that, for the first time in my 17 years of life, I'm  awoke at 11:47 p.m.

All I can think about is him.

His eyes that screamed at me.

His lips that said so many things without making a single sound.

Every time, I close my eyes, all I can see is his Adams apple. I want to bite on it. Munch on it, and stamp a mark on him so that everyone knows, it is I who he belongs to.

** ** ** **

The butler on my right pours me and papa both each glasses of banana milk.

"How is school going?" Mama asks.

I take a sip of my banana milk, "Great."

Papa clears his throat, "I heard from Sane that something interesting happened recently."

My gaze goes to Sane who chokes on his sandwich. I give him a glare which to my dearest mother rebukes. She slaps him on his shoulder to help him with the cough.

"Stop glaring at your brother." Mum hushes.

I give her a plain look and turn to Papa, "Not something you should be worried about father."

He scrunches his nose, "Don't call me father, it makes me feel old. Call me papa."

"You are old." Mom throws a comment.

"No I'm not- wait we're moving away from the topic." Papa then turns towards me, "Are you sure you don't need my help with anything? Do you want the guy?"

I smirk at him, "I'm perfectly capable of getting something I want without your help father."

He smiles and looks at me with a proud glint.

Mother shakes her head and mutters under her breath, "Like father like daughter."

Sane lets out a sound, "My goodness look at my arms. I had goosebumps from your creepiness. Lord save that guy from you."

I grin at him sweetly. After a while brother Jae joins us for breakfast. We eat, talk and tease Sane a bit and then leave for school.

I walk towards my seat, usually the seats on my left and right stay empty since I don't want any unnecessary disturbance.

Then Taecyeon comes along.

He throws his bag down on the floor and sits on my left. He crosses his arms and closes his eyes throwing his head back. When the teacher comes, his eyes stays focused either on the teacher or the board. Not for one second, he's distracted.

But he's had me distracted. I caught up on few of his habits, His pen occasionally touches his lips, oh how I wish I was that pen. He flaxes his arms a lot. And I mean a lot.

I realize I'm staring too much. But who cares? I'm the future queen. I can do whatever the fuck I want.

When the class ends, I trail behind him. Follow him everywhere he goes but don't talk to him. This continues for a few days. Students have started to notice this as well. Rumors start to appear, the ice queen is in love with the new guy.

When finally Taecyeon decides to confront me. "We should speak." I look at him. My friends eye us, Nico whistles and urges me to go.

I follow Taecyeon in one of the empty class rooms.

"What is your problem?" He yells so fucking loud that I'm sure people outside heard him.

"I have no problem. I could fix them if you have one."

He grips hair tight, his bottom lip getting between his teeth. Don't bite it, it's mine to bite..    

I want to say it out loud. But I don't. Don't want him to be creeped out and run away from me.

"Why do you keep following me? What the fuck do you want?!" He glares at me.

"You." I murmur.

His breath hitches, eyes widens and his grip on his hair loosens.

"I want you." I take slow steps towards him. "All of you."

He flinches when we're so fucking close that his breath fans my face.

"Don't say no. It's an order from your future queen." I state.

He gulps, his Adams apple going up and down. "You can't do that."

"I can. I'll be rulling the country. I can do whatever I want. If I ask you to die, you die. If I ask you to live, you live. No other choice." I lift my forefinger to trace his jawline. He closes his eyes in anticipation, biting his lips. His hands grips the table behind him tightly.

My nose follows his cheek breathing him in. Fuck. So sweet.

He shivers at the contact. "P-please."

"Please what. Hm?" My fingers loose themselves in his hair and I grip them tightly in my palm causing him to gasp and open his eyes in the process.

"Let me go. I don't know what's up with you rich people, but don't drag me into this." He says when he finally collects himself.

I let out a 'ppfftt' sound and move away from him. "We'll talk soon again baby. Don't look at anyone the way I look at you, or else you wouldn't appreciate the outcome."

Y'all this is making me want to write a story about Sia. Maybe a small one. Should I? And also y'all might know who Taecyeon is. Yes, the same Taecyeon from 2pm. The one who acted as the villain in Vincenzo.

Should I write a book 2 about Taecyeon and Sia?

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