Chapter 21 : Fainted

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Jungkook's Pov

Speeding up isn't good while driving in a busy road. But I can't help it. The andraleline is rushing through my veins in anxiety.

My hand flexes tightly on the staring wheel as I try hard not to slam the car into another one in hurry.

The moment I found out that she was in Daeju, I quickly took off to go there.  Charlie, my bodyguard wanted to tag along but by then it'd be too late so I decided to go alone. Thanks to the chip that every royal member has to wear, I can know where exactly she is. 

My phone rings and I press the Bluetooth in my ear to pick up. "Speak"

"Your highness, please stop the car. Let me get in with you." Panic is clear in Charlie's voice.

"Don't you get it? I don't want to waste any time! Even a second could be threatening her life." I murmur. I take a left following the gps chip.

"Your highness-"

"I'm sending you the location, follow it. Bring back up." I said, my eyes on the road, careful not to slam it anywhere.

"Yes your highness!" He follows after and I cut the call.

After approximately 45 mins, I reach in Daeju and stop the car where the location is Frozen. I take my phone and get out of the car. 

It's dark out here. Dirty. I see a warehouse. Shit. Is she there? I need to be doesn't look safe out here. What should I do? Should I wait for backup? No. That'll be too late by then.

I slowly walk towards it and try my best to not make any sound that could attract any potential murderer.

And the bam. I faint.

Ok this is a very very very short chapter on purpose. I'll be updating the next chapter soon. Thanks for reading. Love y'all, 💘

Fun fact : there's no such city as Daeju in Korea. I made it up!

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