Chapter 22 : Possible ex lover slash fanboy

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Y/n's pov

Love. A word that's thrown randomly like it's confetti. Love can ruin, it can save. Love can be your win and possibly your ruination. Love that that could both taint and protect you. There are different types of it. They say too much of anything isn't nice. When it comes to love? It's always too much. Always.

I swear I felt another skin on my hand when I woke up from my slumber. Oh no. Not slumber. Consiousnes. Yes. When I regained consiousnes.

I try my best not to flinch away. I try, "Hello?" No response. I try again, "is someone here beside me?"

Ugghh. Come on. What did I do to deserve this!

Then I hear a cough and something thrashes behind my back. Another back as hands try to get away from mine. Did the kidnapper tie us together?

"I swear to God whoever did this to me, if I find out, I'll behead you! Do you know who I am." I know that obnoxiously attractive voice. I wouldn't hear it for years and still recognize it!

"Jungkook! Oh my god it's you!" I uttered taking a long breath after long hours

The said lad immediately freezes,
"Y/n?" He heaved a sigh as if finally at peace. "You're safe right? You're not hurt anywhere?"

"No, I'm not hurt." I reply slowly then freak out instantly. "This is all your fault!"

"What did I do?" He yells. Your fanboy did!

"I got kidnapped by your possible ex lover slash fanboy!" I whisper yell.

"Ex-lover? Excuse me!" He argues, aggited.

"Yes! Dude told me to stay away from you! He was even sharpening his knife. You know I have a weak heart. I almost had a heart attack!" 

"What are you even saying?" He asked confused.

"I swear, if I  die here, I'll unalive you in the worst way known to humankind that the nation will shiver at the thought of!" I threatened fidgeting with the handcuffs.

He laughed. He dares to laugh at this situation! "What are you laughing about huh? Are you not taking me seriously!"

"Backup should be here in a while. Don't worry. We'll be out in a jiffy-." Before he could complete, the door opens up and both us shut up.

"Jungkook" the voice from earlier says desperately. He suddenly kneels down, like literally in front of jk. "I'm so sorry. I didn't want to hurt you. But you were being bothersome." He says with an expression that says starstruck.

Typical commoner.

I mentally snort at how Jungkook almost flinches behind me. Pfftt. The urge to see his face right now increases.

He clears his throat, "Do I know you?"

The criminal widens his eyes and frowns. His demenaer changing completely. "You don't remember me?"

"Why would he ask you if he knew you." I roll my eyes.

He gets up and glares at me, "Shut up, you have no right to speak between us."

I don't back down, "I think, I do."

He's now completely in front of my face, "He loves me. I know he does."

" I don't remember ever talking to you or seeing your face." Jungkook sighs.

"No, please don't say that. You loved me so much."

Boy,is he delusional!

"Tell me, did he ever talk to you?" I asked trying to buy some time. Jungkook said they're will be backup soon. I'll trust him. I'll try.

The criminal frowns, "no, but it was more than that."

I snort, "What exactly?"

His expression changes as if remembering his lovely moments with his dearest. "Glances. We shared longing loving glances."

I snort yet again. "Is that it?"

His expression changes again. He's bipolar. He totally is. "It? They were everything to me. They are everything to me." Then he turns to the young crown prince, "And to you too, right Jungkook?"

Jungkook pauses for a few seconds then quickly nods, "I remember you now. But I'd still need more information. I don't remember you properly."

He's definitely trying to buy some time. Poor lover boy will probably have a stroke once he finds out.

He grins like a child and then kneels down again. "Yes, I could tell you everything about me. Ask anything."

"Let's start with your name."

"Jaekyung. Lee Jaekyung." Jungkook nods at Jaekyung's response.

"My memories are fuzzy, but where did we meet?" Jungkook asks communicating softly.

"At the royal palace. My mom is one of the gardeners there." He smiled. So it's an insider.

"And how did we meet?"

"I'd always follow my mom around and help her in the garden. Then I saw you. You were with your snobby friends." He stopped talking and threw a glare at me. And the continued speaking, "They kept you busy. But I'll be always staring at you. Two years and four months later, you finally looked at me. And I was so high up in the sky." He narrates like he's narrating a love story.

Yes! I've seen him before. I definitely have! "Were you same person who knocked off my favourite shoes a few years ago?"

Those were my favourite shoes gifted by my grandfather. Those were the last present he gave me before he left. I remember I servant's child at the royal palace had thrown hot peeping coffee at it. I cried a lot that day.

Getting up from his knees Jaekyung smirks at me, "Yes it was me." He presses a knife on my throat. "I so much wished it was you instead of your little shoe."

"You fucking-"

"Shhh, I have the upper hand. Shut up before I slit your throat." He grits his teeth and forces pressure on the knife.

"Fucking keep the knife away from her." Jungkook yells out thrashing into his chair.

Jaekyung shrikes away from me as if it burned him to be close to me. His expression morphs into sadness. "Because of her, we can't be together! Why don't I kill her off! Why are you trying to save her!"


Jaekyung shakes his head, his eyes turning terrifyingly dark. Fuck. "I'll kill her. She has seduced you already! I was gone for only a year and she already seduced you!" He dashes towards me with his knife.

"No. Don't-"

I close my eyes counting my last breath and waiting for the pain to peirce me. That doesn't happen. Instead, I hear a loud thud.

Am I already dead? Is that why I don't feel anything.

"Your highness! Miss Y/n." I open my eyes to see the royal guards and beside them stands Namjoon.

Phew. I'm alive.

And then I faint again.

I'm kind of not satisfied with this chapter. Please let me know what can I do to make it better. Or feel free to correct me with anything.

I know I'm late to ask this, but what do y'all think about jk's new song Seven? Do you like the explicit version more or the normal one?

Thanks for reading lovliesssss and vote if you think it was worth it. I need feedbacks ❤️ stay safe

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