chapter 13 : There's only one bed

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"Mind explaining why there's only one fucking bedroom that has a bed in this huge house?" I crossed my arms and raised an eyebrow.

Jungkook widened his eyes and looked away, "How would I know?"

I grabbed my hair and gave them a tug, "Fuck you jeon jungkook"

"You will, soon" he coughed.

"I'll kill you! You did this didn't you?" I punched him in his stomach.

He grabbed his stomach, "What the hell you hooligan. It hurt!"

"I'll call mom!" Before I could dial my mom's number, junkook snatched my phone. I glared at him "Give it back!"

He shook his head. I gritted my teeth. "Jungkook" I said sternly.

"What is it dear wife?" He asked innocently.

"Don't call me that! And give me back my phone!" I punched him again and snatched it from him. He groaned in pain.

I quickly called mom and she picked it up. "Hey darling." She said sounding jolly as always. God this women.

"Mom" I whined.

"What is it? Be quick! I have work to do"

"Why's there only one bed?"

"Did you expect to have separate beds? Dear husband, do you hear your daughter? Young lady wants a separate bed." Mom scoffed.

I huffed out, "Mom-"

"Oh zip it! I don't have time to deal with this. I'm hanging up. Bye!"

I sulked. I heard jungkook clear his throat, "So we're gonna share the bed?"

Ignoring him, I went to the washroom. I locked the door looked at the mirror. I took a deep breath.

"Chill, it's jungkook. It's just him! You two have shared a room before as kids. You don't need to panic, don't panic. You can do this! " I looked at myself in the mirror and tried to put on a smile but failed miserably.

"I can't do this! Should I break off the engagement? Shit shit shit." I bit my nails.

I jumped back when I heard a knock. "Y/N are you ok?" Jungkook asked from the other side of the door.

"Yes yes I'm fine. What will happen to me?" It came out angrier than I intended it to be.

I decided to take a shower and calm my mind down. I got into the tub and turned the shower on. The warm water fell on my head slowly going down my body. I sighed. God I really needed a shower. I turned the tap off when I was done.

Shit I forgot to bring my clothes. I bit my lips, "Kook, are you there?" I called out for him. "Jungkook?"

No response.

Maybe he's not in the room. I wrapped the towel around my body and got out of the washroom.

My eyes widened in horror at the sight. He was eating my donut. My hands loosened around at the towel that was hugging me.


It fell down.

Jungkook's body froze and his eyes widened. He gulped as his eyes took in my naked form. My cheeks flushed red.

I screamed. Loudly.

I gasped at the donut. That's mine! My eyes went on his. "Get out of the room"

Jungkook jolted back and ran out of the room.

I walked into the kitchen and saw jungkook making something. I got closer to him. My breath without no doubt fanning his neck, "What are you making?"

He looked at me, his eyes widened, as if he realized something, he moved away a bit. He gulped.

I raised an eyebrow. "What?"

He shook his head as his eyes slowly went from my neck and down my....

I waved my hands in front of his eyes as I realized what he was doing, "oh no no no you don't get to imagine me naked"

He looked away cursing under his breath.

My eyes went to the bowl of ramen. I grinned at the sight. I grabbed a chopstick and took a bite of the ramen. I moaned at the taste. "So fucking good"

Jungkook looked at me and frowned, "Don't make that sound"

I rolled my eyes, "whatever"

"I'll take the bed, you can take the floor" He said.

"Excuse me, don't you have manners? In this type of situation the dude always offers the girl the bed." I said as I snatched the pillow under his head.

"Hey!" He hissed. "Give it back!"

"No" I said.

"You know what, There's enough space for both of us. Let's sleep together." He smirked patted the empty space beside him with his hand.

I gasped, "How dare you pull such a stunt!"

He rolled his eyes, "Don't be so dramatic. We are gonna get married. Sooner or later you'll have to sleep next to me"

"I'd rather die!" I glared at him. "I'm gonna sleep in the guest room." I snatched the blanket and the pillow and ran out of the room.

I could hear his faint voice calling out for me to return him the pillow and blanket.

I slept in the guestroom, and I might tell you it was very uncomfy. Remind me to ask someone to clean up this room tomorrow.

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