Chapter 30 : Paper rings

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I want fireworks
Not the "yeah, I like her I guess"
I want explosions in the sky
That thunderous boom
that reverberates for blocks
the array of spark and color
Illumination that captivates the eyes

Your POV

The royal dinner was mess. When it was announced that, I was going to be the Future queen, a lot of voices were raised. A few lady scrunched their face in disapprovement. A few old men glared at my direction.

'A queen that is not of royal blood? How blasphemous!'

'look at her arms, she's so petite, how is she going to handle the weight on her shoulder?'

'my oldest daughter would've been the better choice!'

I didn't say anything back. Only smiled like Mr. Kaisen asked me to. At the end, all of them were silenced by the king.

I sigh. The moon looks pretty. Not the poetic kind of pretty but pretty nonetheless.

My bare arms shiver with the contact of the cold air. The cold top of the railing touches my wrist. It feels like ice. As if, the heat of summer has never touched it's precense.

A voice calls behind me, "I'm so sorry about tonight!" I turn behind to see Jungkook walking towards me, huffing, taking bigger steps than usual.

I shook my head and smiled, "It's ok. They deserve to ask questions about their future queen. I don't mind."

He frowned stepping closer to me, the air blows his hair as he bats his eyelashes, "You didn't deserve them being so inconsiderate to you."

I smirk, "Are you getting offended on my behalf?"

He looks away, "Well, it's normal. You're my betrothed. They should respect you as my equal."

I gave him a hearty laugh.

Suddenly a sound comes from the sky. Beautiful colors scatter all around the sky. So beautifully like they want to replace the moon.

My mouth opens in appreciation.

"Y/n" I hear Jungkook whisper behind me.

I turn around and gasp.

He's on his knees. The boy that everyone go on their knees for is on his knees in front of me.


"No please, let me say it first." He says and I nod at him to continue.

"Ya know the first time we met, was really special to me. Mom introduced you to me as my girl. As my wife. And since then, I've considered you mine as much as I'm yours. I was cruel to you sometimes. I know. I can't apologize enough for that. And I promise to make up for that for the rest of our lives. There are times, I was afraid you'll go away from me. So I tried, I tried so hard to guard my heart but failed. And I didn't know a fall so beautiful could exist. " His eyes start to tear up. He shoves his hand inside his pocket and brings out a paper ring, "since I needed permission from the perliment for the royal ring, I brought a paper ring." He joked. I laughed at it.

"I've loved before I knew what love was. And I swear to love you till my last breath.So Choi Y/n," he brings the paper ring forward, "Will you marry me?"

Tears roll down my cheek as I shakily let out a breath.

My head automatically nods as I kneel down beside him and hug him. I sob like crazy. I cry like I've never cried before. He wraps his arms around me and hides his face on my neck, causing it to get wet with his tears. We stay like that for a while in silence.

*** *** ***

"You didn't eat anything properly. Let's go out for dinner." Jungkook says.

"And what restaurant would be open at 12.30 a.m?"

"I'm the prince, I can wake the owner up from sleep and he can't say no to me."

I widen my eyes and scoff at him. "No."

"Fine, then I'll cook something."

"You?" I chuckle. "You're gonna cook for me?"

He nods, "I don't mind. As long as it's you."

I blush.  "Ok then."

He walks to the kitchen, grabs all the items needed for the dish he's going to make and starts cooking.

Jungkook serves some kimchi fried rice on his plate and then some on mine. Grabbing the spoon, I scoope up a spoonful of the said dish and start to  chew on it. My eyes widens as I look at him.

"The taste is so good!"

He gives me a throaty laugh, "Eat more." And pushes the whole bowl towards me.

He looks at me with a strange look on his face, eyes softened almost glossy. His usual frown isn't there. His lips slowly part. Is he..... admiring me?

I gulp the food down. "Can you not look at me like that?"

"Like what?" His lips move, but his gaze doesn't waver.

"Like you can't survive a second without me?"

He smiles, "where is the lie in that?"

I blush and look away again.

To be continued

A few more chapters left and we're done with the story!

I'm not yet ready to say goodbye to y'all TT

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