jimin had to run over to hoseok and tell him to come over, since he was so far away. he reluctantly did. this was the first time jimin ever saw hoseok's eyes roll, and the first time hoseok literally turned into a scowling and grumbling old man. from a distance, yoongi could see how shocked jimin was.


they decided to eat at a small restaurant near the beach, with an added bar in it. jungkook was the only one who was excluded from drinking alcohol since he was still underage, but he kept grumbling about how he was mature enough for it. seokjin, being the mother he is, glared at jungkook as he complained.

"but it's not fair," jungkook begged, pulling out his undeniable puppy eyes. seokjin huffed and crossed his arms, "yes it is, jungkook. you're underage! i'm not allowing you to drink until you're 20."

"god, seokjin hyung, you're not my mother." jungkook pouts as he rolls his eyes. he's the bravest to even try and argue with seokjin, but seokjin never goes hard on him anyways. seokjin's got a soft spot for jungkook.

"i'm the oldest."

"you always say that." jungkook sighs, giving up to seokjin. he leans back in his chair and sips his orange juice.

seokjin grins, as he feels he has all the power in the world. he's finally got jungkook to listen to him. seokjin thinks, maybe being the oldest isn't so bad after all.

jungkook doesn't speak a word after that. taehyung's been playing with his kid's meal (that he begged seokjin to order) and isn't saying anything. jungkook would usually join in and tease him because he likes kids meals, but he isn't. hoseok's got a bitch face on as he scrolls on his phone unenthusiastically.

the seven of them don't really talk a lot after that. it's really awkward because most of the mood makers are silent. yoongi mentally face palms because of how stupid his friends are. just say what you need to fucking say and get it over with! he screams in his head, rolling his eyes. jimin notices yoongi's asshole face his more asshole-ish at that moment, so he holds yoongi's hand.

yoongi flinches only slightly, and his eyes roll over to look at jimin, who's got a comforting smile on his face. yoongi mouths a 'thanks,' because thanks to jimin, he isn't feeling as shitty.

"hoseok, are you gonna eat?" seokjin asks the bitchy hoseok. his eyebrow perks up and he looks at seokjin frowning.

"i'll eat later." hoseok said, quickly reverting is attention back to his phone.

"are you okay, hoseok?"

hoseok sighs deeply. his eyes dart at seokjin, and he catches a glimpse of taehyung looking at him. hoseok instantly feels as if his mood got worse, and he stands at the table.

"no, seokjin hyung, i'm feeling really shitty, okay? i'm gonna go back to the hotel." hoseok grumbles, and he storms off, leaving the six of them with mouths wide open and no words said.

taehyung's head is looking at the ground and his eyes are watery. he wants to cry, and jungkook is extremely concerned for him.

"taehyung are you-" jungkook winces when taehyung bats his hand away from him. jungkook doesn't say anything and is silent. he's in genuine shock that taehyung would reject him, it's not like him. jungkook doesn't fucking know why everyone is acting so crappy.

"don't touch me." taehyung starts. he's glaring at jungkook with hateful eyes.

"taehyung, you and hoseok are acting really bratty right now. do you need a fucking break or something? i wouldn't want to come on this fucking trip if i knew you two were going to act this way." seokjin breaks. seokjin's staring at taehyung right in the eyes, and namjoon is patting seokjin's back so he calms down.

"yeah i fucking do." taehying bites back.

"okay, then take a shit and come back." yoongi blurts out the blue. taehyung grows pissed again but is stopped by jimin.

"you need alone time." jimin says to taehyung. taehyung opens his mouth to say something once more, but jimin slaps his hand over his mouth and whispers, "you need to think things through."

taehyung nods obediently and walks away from the table. seokjin sighs, "i'm sorry."

"it's alright." jimin smiles at seokjin.


wow. i wonder how im gonna solve this hopekookv triangle....idk where im going with that conflict rn but yeah LOL. anyways i just wanted to chat alittle bit about their appearances, yoongi + jimin + jungkook + hoseok are all looking like they do in the i need u era, while namjoon and seokjin both look like they do in war of hormone (taehyung is the new sick era!! did you see the mv?! mah gad)

anyways, thank you for reading as always!

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