first time raveen drops Maya home

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Ruth b .... Dandelions....

The drive back was longer since there was traffic and shit,but it was good, for atleast once we actually a had a decent conversation,

Why don't you connect your playlist and we can see who has better music taste.....she didn't budge for a minute and i thought that she didn't hear me ...but turns out she did cause i saw her take out her phone and chek for a playlist.......
(Ik what your wondering how I can actually do that when driving.... Firstly I'm a very safe driver so)

"What mood are you in so I know what playlist to put.....cause all my songs have a mood so what are you generally feelin......"

I smirked while focusing on the road , cause the traffic was starting to clear up abit.....

"No I'm not putting that playlist!"

I heard her saying in a sarcastic comment

Tiny c'mon why do you always think I'm trying to get under your shirt .... I just wanna listen to that ... I told her ... She gave me a rbf

" No we're listening to dandelions"

Wow you are really that soft and delicate huh? I told her in a baby voice...

Like dandelions...that song is so adorable and girly but at the same time kinda meh!... She interrupted me by blasting aurora... ...
We sang along to it and a few more .. and shiii this chiq can hit em notes .....

I turned down the volume, alil so I could Talk to her for a bit since the Google maps direction guide was hinting we were close....

Tell me which house it is cause I don't wanna drop off this fine lil mama far ..... I would want her legs to get tired just yet...

"Ship tf up" she said throwing her jacket at my face

" Park right there ... At that grey house with a wierd roof" she said pointing... And indeed it was a wierd roof but werid artistically.....

"Aren't you going to open the door for me ?"
She asked taking off her seatbelt and looking at me..

And why would I do that huh? I asked leaning closer to her with my left hand unbuckling my belt so I could give her my intimidating eyes better....

"Well beCaUsE DumdUM you striked hy hand the last time I touched YoURrDOor.. and it hurt and i don't wanna my hand swollen " she said ever so sarcastically...

Well guess what your opening the door for yourself and also yo-... Before I could even finish talking she turned around and opened the door.... I held her hand before she could leave quite firmly.. like who doesn't this girl think she is showing me her back in the middle of me speaking.... Noone does that.. ever ...

Tiny I'm trying to talk to you and you walking away in the middle of my statement..... I pulled her closer in which she was leaning on the armrest thingy in the middle of the car seat, and was slightly above her,,,,, never turn your back away from me when I'm speaking... Understand?!.....

I told her in a stern but gentle voice.... I saw her snicker her eyes , like she was studying my emotions through my eyes and she nodded while, still looking directly in my eyes........

I let her go and she got off, opened the back door and took out her backpack and books,.... The closed the door and was about to head out .... I forgot I had her key chain.. she dropped it earlier when we were at our house.... I found them on the stair case ..

I was actually a really cute was black rhinestoned cat and it wasn't to sparkly or girly...

You... Maya you left this... I tried calling her but she had her airpods on so yea that didn't work... So I just let her walk to her door watch ....... Luckily for her ... Her mom was already home .... So she just rang her doorbell.......

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