A Short Story: Sonya Alora

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Sonya Alora played volleyball with her friends by the beach next to Dawn High; the college where her mother worked at.

She didn't realize how fatal that decision was, it was just the four of them at the beach; three came out alive. You can probably guess who the dead one was.

The volleyball came shooting up at the air, that was probably from Alyssa; the one with the most experience in volleyball. Alyssa was in the same class as Sonya, they met just this year but the two became inseparable after a short time.

Cory fled to the volleyball in an attempt to stop it from reaching the ground, Sonya was stupidly stuck to the ground, making no move whatsoever to help Cory. The volleyball touched the ground, Alyssa and Kai whooped in victory as Cory grunted in annoyance.

"Sonya, why didn't you move?" Cory asked as Alyssa and Kai were still celebrating their victory.

"I'm sorry, I don't know why. I just was, I guess." Sonya answered, and she was, for some odd reason she just stood there.

Cory seemed puzzled with that answer but probably just shrugged it off as Sonya being tired, he walked over to get some water from his water bottle. Sonya looked to the right, and she could see the sun was setting; it was a beautiful sight.

Alyssa immediately whipped her phone out to take a picture of the sunset, and Sonya was about to do the same, but she decided not to. She just wanted to soak in the sunset and how she was here with her friends.

"The sun's setting," Kai observed, as if it wasn't the most obvious thing ever.

"How's everyone getting home?" Alyssa asked.

"My boyfriend and his mum are picking me up," Cory answered. "You?"

"I'll probably just take the bus." Alyssa replied, wind flowing through her perfect brown curls.

"My dad is picking me up, you could come with us." Kai offered.

"Nah, it's fine, I don't mind taking the bus." Alyssa said, "Sonya, how are you getting home?"

"Oh, I'll just wait until my mum gets off her shift, she works just at that college." Sonya replied.

After that conversation, the three of them went back home, Sonya waiting at the beach. Her mum left work at around eight. It's currently seven thirty, she had to wait thirty more minutes. Sonya laid down on the sand, not caring if she got some on her back. She was bored.

She sat up and just decided to take a quick down the beach, it was dark out, but she thought it would just be a quick trip; no harm in that, right? Wrong, because that 'quick walk' changed the course of Sonya's life. Permanently.

Sonya started walking, the whispering wind and rustling of trees creating a calming reverie. It was almost poetic, actually. Considering it was the complete opposite of what happened next.

Sonya heard swift footsteps coming from behind her, she turned around as soon as she could. But the person was too fast, they hit her with a glass bottle, and she hit the ground; hard.

She never woke up after that.

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