7 - Lucas Vasilios

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Lucas would give anything for Theodore to hang up on the loud, basic-looking guy he's on a call with.

Lucas recognized the guy as Xavier Holden, and even though the year has barely started, Xavier was already dating someone named 'Rosette Monroe' or something similar, Lucas didn't know, nor did he care. Lucas wasn't extremely interested in dating, all he wanted to do is get better at acting and eventually leave the country.

"Oh! And this crazy chick threw a remote at me," Theodore exclaimed to basic guy, "A remote!"

Lucas was mentally strangling himself to make sure he didn't say anything salty, and lord he wanted too so badly. So instead of going off on Theodore (again), he rolled his eyes. He had to keep his temper in check because the last thing he needed was having a bad rep at this college and being known for having a bad temper. He also needed to make at least one friend because he doesn't exactly look forward to having zero friends while being here.

Theodore finally hung up on basic dude and Lucas watched him get up from his bed and to the bathroom, then Lucas realized he also haven't brushed his teeth yet. He was contemplating on going inside or just waiting outside until Theodore is done. He ended up doing the first, which was a horrible idea.

Lucas opened the door and Theodore was standing shirtless in the middle of the bathroom.

Lucas closed the door faster than he could spell gorgeous, but that's mostly because he struggles with spelling the word gorgeous. Why is the word gorgeous so hard to spell? He was trying to get his mind from what he saw in the bathroom, and he knew that, how was he supposed to talk to Theodore now? Let alone live with him for the next ten months.

Maybe he should just pretend to fall asleep and wait the next morning to figure this whole situation out. Or he should wait for Theodore to finish brushing his teeth, or whatever he was doing in the bathroom, so Lucas could brush his teeth, though that would mean they would most likely be talking about whatever happened a few minutes ago. Sleeping it is.

He changed to his pjs and pulled the blanket over his body, it was boiling in here, Lucas noticed. He didn't know if it was the weather or the thing that happened. He looked at his clock, 11:00p.m., then he looked back to the closed bathroom door.

He got up and walked over to the girls' rooms and he raised his hand to knock on the door. Three knocks, that's what he always did. Someone opened the door, and to his disappointment, it was Andrea. Well, it wasn't that he didn't like Andrea. If anything, Lucas looked up to her, especially since she threw that remote at Theodore's head. But Lucas needed to talk to Kaia.

Lucas and Kaia had been friends for well over seven years now, they would talk about anything together; bitchy teachers, family issues, crushes, first kisses, anything. Lucas had Kaia's back and Kaia had Lucas'. That was how it was for nine years, when they signed up for this college, they were praying that they would be in the same dorm room and thank the lord they did.

"Is Kaia there?" Lucas asked Andrea.

"She's sleeping right now," Andrea answered, "Is there anything you need?"

Lucas didn't want to disturb Kaia, so he shook his head and walked back to his room, when he opened the door, he saw the last person he wanted to talk to before sleeping.


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