23 - Rosemary Monroe

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The police scoped far to the sea and land, bringing helicopters and boats alongside with them; it was undoubtable. Xavier Holden was dead.

Rosemary threw the remaining stuff Xavier had given her into the fire she had started; she ended the burning session with a pair of earrings he had gotten her for Valentine's Day. Tears were threatening to pour out in any second, but she blinked them away. She wouldn't waste another tear on that killer.

She sat quietly on the log, her friends beside her. They were at the police station, waiting to hear news of Richard. Dawn High was currently under renovation to fix the left wing, so they all contributed money to a medium-sized house they were going to rent for the month Dawn High was going to be under renovation for.

Rosemary liked it there; the house was on a hill, so it wasn't very loud outside. They had a room each but both Rosemary and Ophelia knew that sometimes Lucas and Theodore shared a room. And how Andrea and Kaia would also spend some nights together.

Rosemary was sad, but also happy for her friends. They managed to get into a happy and loving relationship; something Rosemary didn't have yet. But it was fine, she could wait. And she was sure whoever she would be with was going to be amazing. They would care for her, love her unconditionally and they wouldn't end up being a killer.

Ophelia sat next to Rosemary and put her head on Rosemary's shoulder. It was just the two of them yet again; just like how it was years ago when Xavier and Richard moved countries. The two of them that was there for each other since day one, who would always have each other's back, who would be there for each other through the ups and downs.

The policewoman got back from the door to where she disappeared from, holding thick documents of paper in her hand.

"I'm sorry, but the police had just reported back from Dawn High. Your friend is dead, he died in Dorm Room V, from internal bleeding in the head." She said, her voice monotone.

Rosemary quickly looked at Ophelia to make sure she was okay, and it was clear she wasn't. Tears stung at Ophelia's eyes, Rosemary outstretched her hand and beckoned for Ophelia to take it. Ophelia did and they got out of there, they decided to just walk.

They were silent for a few seconds, the sound of the whooshing wind and their footsteps the only thing they could hear; until Ophelia broke the silence.

"I loved him, Rosemary. I loved Richard and I didn't get a chance to tell him." Ophelia said, voice filled with sorrow.

Rosemary hated seeing her best friend sad. They both lost someone they loved that day, and if they didn't have each other Rosemary might have gone insane.

Rosemary hugged Ophelia tightly and she let Ophelia cry into her shoulders. There was bound for a lot of tears from the six of them, and every single tear was understandable. Rosemary also silently cried along with Rosemary; a few pedestrians walked by with puzzled looks on their faces, but Rosemary couldn't care less.

The six of them, bound together by the tragedies they faced. By the obstacles they had to overcome. And traumas they all secretly had. No one's lives were perfect, and they weren't any better. Because it was true; none of them were perfect. But Rosemary couldn't have asked for a more perfect friend group.

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