5 - Theodore Cresswell

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Spanish families are a pain in the ass.

Theodore made the volume to the song he was listening to higher so he couldn't listen to his mother and older sister's yelling. At this point, he was basically counting down the seconds until he goes to that fancy school Xavier and Richard was going to. Being completely honest, Theodore didn't even check the school he was applying to, what mattered to him was that he was going to a school with his friends and being away from his family.

He looked to the right to where his suitcases stood still, then he looked back up to his clock, Conan Gray was playing in his ear, he didn't know which song of his was playing though. Theodore stood up to his mother saying (shouting) his name, and he quickly got up, closed his door, and left to wherever his mother is.

Theodore stood in the hallway where his mother and his older sister, Esmeralda, were basically going for each other's throats. Theodore sighed quietly and started setting up the dinner table. Theodore's family wasn't exactly the best, his dad left when he was around six years old and since then his mother's temper has been exceptionally short, meanwhile his sister on the other hand did a full 180° and became the teenage nightmare. She would skip classes, steal random shit, and stay in her room 24/7, the two of them being in the same room was basically like being in hell.

He opened the cupboards and started setting up the plates and glasses, then he filled the glasses with water. Theodore heard a door shut loudly and he knew it was from Esmeralda's room. Theodore wasn't close to his sister, but he obviously still cared for her, he just didn't exactly know how to approach her without Esme biting his head off. Theodore's mother walked into the kitchen, sat down on a seat, and sighed while rubbing her hand over the bridge of her nose.

"Was Esme any better?" Theodore asked, although he already knew the answer.

"What do you think?" His mother said, "I just don't get your sister, Theo, she was amazing when your father was here but now? I don't think I'm fit to be a mother without the help of your father."

Theodore was silent for a while, his dad was a big part of the family, and would always know what to do when Theodore's mother snaps or when Esmeralda gets her mood swings. But without his dad, Theodore was stuck, and so was his mother and sister. He wished, more than anything, for his dad to come back, but he knew that was impossible. So, all he had to do for the next one hour was suck it up, which he had a specialty in.

All Theodore could hear was the sound of the clock ticking and heavy rain and thunder from outside. He could only hope that his flight won't be cancelled, because if he had to spend more time than he already has in this house he would go insane. He rustled over to his bed and sat on it, then he checked the time on his phone.


The clock read out 6:00 a.m., he was extremely late.

He fled up, speeding to get his suitcase and phone. Then he ran out of the house, got into the nearest taxi, and got to the airport. Only thing on his mind was getting away from his house and towards his friends and the fancy college.

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