15 - Theodore Cresswell

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"Truth or dare, Lucas?"

"Truth." Lucas answered way too fast to the question, but Theodore didn't give it much thought.

Ophelia clearly didn't know what to say, because what she asked was extremely basic.

"What's your favourite colour?" Ophelia asked.

"Aqua." Lucas answered in an instant. "Alright, now it's my turn." Lucas said out of the blue, "Truth or dare, Xavier?"

"Truth." Xavier answered.

Ugh, why was everyone answering truth? Theodore would've chosen 'dare' in a second if anyone were to ask him, not the safest choice but the most fun.

Lucas' eyes darkened, Theodore had a bad feeling about this, and he usually doesn't get bad feelings because he isn't exactly the most observant.

Lucas put his hand in his pocket to reach for something, and he pulled out a glass shard and put it in the middle. Theodore didn't even notice at first that the glass shard had blood on it, Theodore definitely had a bad feeling about this.

"Have you ever killed someone?" Lucas asked Xavier.

The room was pin drop silence, no one spoke a word for a few minutes. All five of them playing out what Lucas just said and trying to figure out if it was a joke or not. Theodore had known Xavier for years, but he trusted Lucas with his life, even if he was a little hot-headed.

Theodore didn't know where he was standing between them.

"What?" Xavier said, avoiding eye contact with anyone but Lucas.

"You heard me, you know what I said." Lucas answered simply, as if this was a normal conversation and not a murder accusation. "Have you ever killed someone?" Lucas repeated himself, as if anyone needed to hear it again.

Rosemary was as stiff as a board, Richard just looked at the ground, his brain trying to make sense of what was happening, Ophelia kept her eyes nervously between Rosemary and Xavier, Xavier stared at Lucas in shock and Theodore was watching it all happen.

"Where did you find that, Lucas?" Xavier asked slowly, his voice concerningly calm.

"None of your business, Xavier." Lucas snapped. "Just answer the question, that's how you play the game. Now, who did you kill?"

"I didn't kill anyone, you're crazy." Xavier said.

"And you're a liar." Lucas simply said back, "What was the reason? Why did you kill them?"

Theodore saw Richard's eyes widen, as if Richard just connected the dots. What did Richard know that Theodore didn't? Theodore looked at Rosemary and he saw her widened eyes, Rosemary stood quickly and a second later she sped to the door, outside of the room. Ophelia followed Rosemary the second she was gone.

"Xavier, I won't ask again." Lucas said irritably, "Have you ever killed someone?"

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