16 - Xavier Holden

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Xavier's mind was racing, his head hurt and there was so little space in this room and where was Rosemary and how did Lucas find the glass shard.

He needed to stay calm and get his story straight, he's practiced this numerous times. Except this time, he would be lying in Theodore and Richard's faces. The last two people he would ever want to lie to.

If Theodore and Richard knew the reason they would understand, but Xavier didn't owe Lucas an explanation, that bastard.

February 23rd, 3:00p.m., seven years ago was his mother's death. The police went far and wide trying to look for the reason, and after a year of searching they found it; his name was Benjamin Alora. He was the person that killed Xavier's mother. Benjamin ripped apart his mother's limbs and left her near the beach to die. The reason? Unknown.

So, he took his anger out on Sonya Alora, age fourteen, Mrs. Alora's daughter. If Xavier was correct, one of Kaia's teachers. The murder was on the news, and they never found the culprit. Xavier was safe.

Or so he thought.

He used a glass bottle to knock Sonya out, then he killed Sonya the exact way Benjamin killed his mother. Limbs torn. Left to die. Xavier had to quickly go to his library monitoring straight after he killed Sonya. He must've dropped one of the glass shards in the library when he hastily put the pieces of glass in his bag. Who had library monitoring after Xavier?

Andrea. Lucas and Theodore's roommate.

Xavier connected the dots the second he realized Andrea was the library monitor after him. Andrea found the glass shard, kept it, then she either told Lucas, Theodore and Kaia about it or Lucas found the glass shard wherever Andrea hid it. Either way, Xavier's secret was out. And he had no way how to back himself up or how to lie his way out. No. He wouldn't lie, not to Theodore and not to Richard.

The guilt had been eating on him for too long, how he talked to Theodore and Richard about this hangout so casually, how he could stand by and watch Mrs. Alora crying randomly, how ever since the incident he had been lying and have continued to lie. He had to stop, they were his friends, they would understand. They had to.

Xavier took a deep breath.

"Yes." Xavier said, one simple word that was enough for the three other people around him to stare at him in shock. "I killed her. Sonya Alora."

Xavier was staring down; he didn't mean to. He just did it subconsciously. He looked up to them, making sure to keep eye contact. To Theodore, to Richard, and to Lucas.

Lucas walked away without a single word; Theodore immediately followed Lucas out of the doorway. And it stung a bit to know Theodore would follow Lucas out instead of listening to Xavier. But then again, what more was there? He was a killer. Nothing would change that. He had blood on his hands and now he was forced to confess.

Xavier looked at Richard, hope filling his heart. Richard kept his head low, then one question.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Richard said, voice trying not to break. The emotional wounds kept on getting deeper and deeper. And Xavier had no other choice but to drown in them.

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