22 - Theodore Cresswell

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Lucas and Theodore ran off to find an exit, flying through panicked students and school stuff falling.

They reached an exit near a cliff, both bent down breathing heavily. Theodore felt arms pulling him up, Andrea. Beside Andrea was Kaia, Ophelia, and Rosemary.

"Glad you made it, Theo." Andrea said with a smile. "Do you know where Xavier and Richard are?"

Theodore was puzzled, why would she want to know if a killer was safe or not? Then he realized, Andrea and Kaia didn't know Xavier was a killer, they weren't there for their game of truth or dare. Shit. This was bad.

Theodore tried to keep his tone calm, "No, I don't know where they are. The last time I saw either of them was at the club." Theodore answered, "Where were you and Kaia?"

Andrea stiffened, "Some old, drunk guy outside the café across the club tried to hit on me. He was being violent, so I slashed his palm and shin, now I have a suspension because of that." Andrea answered bitterly.

"What? That's absurd. You shouldn't get a suspension for that; you've wanted to do theatre since the day I met you. This would jeopardize your chances of doing that." Theodore said, as much as he loved this college; sometimes they could be strict with rules.

Andrea nodded in agreement, Theodore looked up and what he saw caught him off guard. The entire left wing was in ruins, and there were dead bodies all around. Theodore looked at Lucas and they both shared the same horrified look. They were a few rooms away from the left wing; those dead bodies could have been them.

Sounds of coughing came from beside them, and a boy with dark brown fluffy hair emerged from the cloud of dust around them; Xavier. Theodore stiffened, and so had everyone in the group, minus Andrea and Kaia.

Xavier caught all their eyes and stiffened, mirroring them. Six against one; Xavier on the end of the cliff without him noticing and the six of them creating a semicircle-shaped wall around him. Andrea and Kaia seemed to sense the uncomfortable aura and just stared at Xavier, trying to connect the dots to figure out what he did that was so horrible they all turned on him.

Theodore noticed someone missing. Where was Richard? Then his mind went to the worst-case scenario, no. Xavier wouldn't do that, Richard was Xavier's best friend. Sonya Alora's murder probably had a reason, but killing Richard was out of the question.

"Xavier, what the hell did you do?" Andrea asked harshly since no one clearly wanted to talk.

Xavier took a deep breath, looking at every single one of them in the eyes; lingering onto Rosemary's eyes a second longer than the others, Theodore noticed.

"Sonya Alora died," Xavier started, "Because of me. I killed her because her dad killed my mother, and I wanted revenge."

Tears flooded Kaia's face and she sobbed quietly, Mrs. Alora was her favourite teacher and she made it her personal quest to make Mrs. Alora feel better. Theodore could just imagine the sorrow she must have felt.

Andrea's pocketknife flew through Xavier's rib in half a millisecond; Theodore sometimes doubted it even happened. And Xavier fell down the cliff, his body splashing to the sea.

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