Epilogues: Ophelia Avenell

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Five years later and the massive earthquake of Dawn High was still the talk of the town.

Hundreds of students died, including one that played an important role in Ophelia's life, the only difference was that his death wasn't due to the earthquake. But something tragic; almost theatre-worthy.

Ophelia Avenell walked through the ghostly scene, gravestones with both old and new names marked on them. Five more steps and Ophelia will be there, she memorized everything about this graveyard for one specific gravestone.

Dead roses stood still on top of the buried body, that's what she always got him. Red roses to show her love during his death, because she never got the chance during his life.

She laid down the new bouquet of red roses she got him, she brushed off the bit of dirt in front of his name, because he deserved to be remembered. Richard Fitzroy: killed by his best friend and died of internal bleeding in the head. Doctors have come up with the conclusion that someone had pushed him extremely hard, and that was how Richard died.

When they heard the news, the six of them knew exactly who had done it. What Ophelia doesn't understand was why. Why would Xavier do that? Her question would never be answered, of course, because Xavier was dead. Drowned and stabbed, currently on the ocean floor. Or maybe in a shark's stomach.

Ophelia got into her car and the engine roared to life; she had gotten the life she wanted. An actress that played an infamous role. But somehow she still felt empty.

She drove towards a familiar road, making turns and stopping when needed to. She halted to a stop and got out of the car, breathing in the chilly autumn air. She walked up the porch of the cozy house and knocked on the door. In a few seconds the door flew open and the figure who opened the door pulled her into a hug, Rosemary. Another set of arms joined their hug, Zahra.

Over the course of the five years since their lives changed incredibly, Rosemary have started dating someone else and moved on over Xavier. Her name was Zahra Hijazi, they met during a café shift Rosemary had, and Zahra was a regular in that café. They talked over a few months and eventually started dating.

Zahra was a major improvement from Xavier, and Ophelia was glad Rosemary managed to find someone else to love, to move on from Xavier. Because Ophelia's place was the complete opposite. She still mourned over Richard and regretted how she didn't tell him her feelings every single day. Every time a guy tries to ask her out she immediately turns them down; she wasn't ready for a relationship, and she wasn't sure if she ever will be.

Rosemary and Zahra welcomed Ophelia into their home like they have been doing whenever Ophelia visited, and Ophelia visited fairly often. It was a routine at this point, the three of them would talk over what happened when the others weren't there. Sitting on the comfy couch and they would either be laughing or crying together.

Ophelia liked Zahra, and she trusted her with taking care of Rosemary when Xavier couldn't. Zahra was perfect for Rosemary and Rosemary was perfect for Zahra, they were like an 'it couple' from a famous movie. It's funny because Zahra and Rosemary actually played a role as an it couple in a movie a while ago.

Art takes after life she supposed.

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