8 - Kaia Acharya

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Kaia looked out the window to her right, droplets of rain drizzling down. She looked straight to the board and felt like running out the classroom. Or better, jumping out the window.

Mrs. Alora was going on and on about emotion and how to make them look real while on stage, and although Kaia knew that was important in theatre, she couldn't bother to concentrate.

Ever since Mrs Alora's daughter's death, Mrs. Alora have been devastated. And it showed; lazy classes, bursts of crying during and out of classes, looking crushed every single time Kaia walked past her. Kaia felt sorry for the old woman, losing a daughter a few years younger than Kaia would have been dreadful. And trust her, Kaia has tried many times over the weeks trying to empathise with the woman, but she was near untouchable.

Every time Kaia tried to talk to her, give her gifts, let Mrs. Alora know she was available to talk to, all she got back was slammed doors, distracted words and ignored speed-walks. Most people would have probably just given up by now, but Kaia really couldn't help it, it was her way and how she coped. Ever since she was twelve, the oldest daughter of five. She helped people because that was how she was programmed and all she knew to do.

Not a second to rest, she had to help her younger siblings. Not a chance to blink, they might go missing. Not a time to go out and have fun with her friends. Help her siblings, never help herself. Having time for her and her only was a foreign word in the Acharya household, classic Indian families huh.

"Miss Acharya?!" Mrs. Alora called Kaia.

Shit. She wasn't listening at all.

"Yes?" Kaia called back, heart beating.

"Was looking out of the window spacing out more important than what I had to say?" Mrs. Alora said to Kaia sternly.

"Of course not." Kaia replied.

Mrs. Alora eyed Kaia sceptically, then she turned back to her blackboard. Kaia sighed quietly, trying to relax a bit after that tense few minutes. No more empathising with Mrs. Alora then. Fine. She could do that. Kaia looked out the window again, at this point it was becoming a habit. A habit she needed to stop. What she saw out the window made her wish she never looked out the window.

It was Andrea. Waving her arms around and eyes wide with panic.

Great, now on top of all the Mrs. Alora shit she also had to deal with a panicking Andrea, when will all this end? Never, apparently. She raised her hand to go to the bathroom and luckily enough Mrs. Alora kindly let her go.

Kaia walked efficiently to the yard where Andrea was flailing her arms. Fast enough to be at a good speed but slow enough that it won't be suspicious for any teachers she might pass. After around four or five minutes she finally reached Andrea and Andrea pulled her aside by the arm.

"The glass shard." Andrea blurted out.

"What?" Kaia said, the words Andrea said not fully sinking in yet.

"The glass shard." Andrea repeated, this time more urgently. "It's gone."

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