3 - Rosemary Monroe

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Rosemary stood by as Xavier and Ophelia exchanged looks with each other, and it was obvious that they knew each other, and for some odd reason, Rosemary felt jealous. After Ophelia and Xavier caught up with each other, which, by the way, took a long time, Rosemary pulled Ophelia aside.

"Was that Xavier from grade one?" Rosemary said, with an edge to her tone.

"Xavier? Yeah, we were friends when we were around four or five, then he moved." Ophelia answered. "Why?"

"Could you, maybe, set us up?" Rosemary asked slowly.

"Like a date?" Ophelia raised an eyebrow.

There was a short pause.

"I suppose."

"I could try, I guess." Ophelia answered, "If you buy me any book of my choosing tomorrow," a smirk formed on Ophelia's face.

Rosemary stared at Ophelia, as if to say, seriously? But she nodded anyway.

Both the girls walked out their room after the conversation, today they get the day off school. Something along the lines of 'settling in' or something like that, Rosemary couldn't quite remember, she wasn't much of a concentrator, which is probably bad considering she goes to a theatre college.

She opened the door to the room and started walking outside, planning to go out on a short walk to get fresh air and possibly a smoothie. The weather was somewhat rainy, not as bad as it was an hour ago though. Rosemary unwrapped a jacket around her waist and put it on. It was getting a bit windy, so she tied her hair up.

"Rosemary was it?" a familiar voice said out of the blue.

Rosemary jerked up, ready to attack the stranger, but when she turned around, she saw a familiar face.

"Xavier," She said, "Didn't know you were the type to go on walks."

"I'm not."

Rosemary seemed confused with that answer.

"Why are you here, then?"

Xavier was quiet for a few seconds, he turned his head to the right, his olive skin sun kissed, curls of dark brown hair framing his face and his eyes looked like pools of honey because of the sun's reflection. He lightly turned Rosemary's head to the right, the sun was setting, and it was a beautiful view.

"I think I loved you, when we were younger." Xavier said unexpectedly, his voice soft.

"And now?" Rosemary asked, hopefully.

Xavier turned to Rosemary, small smile on his face, "Yes." Then Xavier kissed Rosemary, it was a small, quick kiss but it happened, nevertheless. And Rosemary kissed him back, unwary of the series of unfortunate events to come.

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