Jimmy woke up screaming and sweating, shaking and hugging himself. He looked around and found himself in his room, still disorientated from his nightmare. Suddenly, Joel and Lizzie ran into the room, concerned about his state. "Jimmy!" both of them exclaimed at once, rushing over to him to check on him. Jimmy was still shaken by the nightmare, but he was relieved to see them there. He hugged both of them tightly for a moment as they reassured him that everything was alright. Lizzie hugged Jimmy tightly and started crying, relieved that he was awake. "Didn't I tell you not to do that, you idiot!" she yelled at him through her tears. "Lizzie, I-" Jimmy couldn't hold back the tears and started crying into her pink dress, overwhelmed by the emotions of the moment. He was glad to see her and felt a sense of comfort in her embrace. Lizzie continued to hold him in her arms, letting him cry and express himself as the two siblings reunited after all this time. Joel hugged the three of them tightly and said, "Jimmy, you got us all so worried when you fainted again!" While they hugged each other, Grian and Kathrine ran in behind them, along with everyone else. Kathrine and Grian ran up to the three and hugged Jimmy, happy to see him awake and safe. The group hug continued for a while as all of them expressed their relief and their love and care for Jimmy. It was a touching moment, and the group hug made the three siblings feel even closer and more connected to one another. Gem pushed everyone out of the way and looked at Jimmy. "Jimmy! You're awake! I'm so sorry I couldn't use my magic to wake you up, there was nothing I could do, are you okay?!" She asked, sounding very concerned for his well being. Jimmy nodded, still shaken up by his nightmare but relieved to see everyone there. He was grateful for Gem's concern and her kindness in checking up on him and making sure he was okay. "Lizzie, I-I saw you in my dream. I remember fWhip, and Scott, and Joel were mentioned. But I was in this swamp kingdom, it seemed like Past Jimmy's empire!" Jimmy's expression was still a bit overwhelmed and confused, but he was trying to remember and make sense of everything. As he talked with Gem, he continued to slowly recover and process the strange memories coming back to him from his past. "Wait, Jim, give me one second!" Gem said, frantically looking for something before pulling out her staff. "I'll do a spell so we can see your dream!" "Just don't think about anything but your dream, okay?" "Uh okay..." Jimmy said, unsure if this was a good idea. He tried to remember the dream he had and pushed all his other thoughts aside, doing his best to focus on the dream he had seen.  Gem began to wave her staff around, chanting some words in a mysterious language. A swirl of purple and blue mist surrounded them as the words continued. Jimmy watched, feeling anxious but curious to see what would happen next. Suddenly, the mist cleared a bit and revealed a strange landscape, as if they were inside another world. It was vaguely similar to the swamp kingdom from Jimmy's dream. There were tall trees and thick vegetation, and Jimmy could hear strange animal sounds coming from somewhere nearby. They all watched Jimmy's dream as it played out, and when it came to the part where Lizzie left, everyone recognised the demon that emerged from behind. They all stared in horror as Jimmy was dragged into the ocean with red vines. Scott stared in horror as well, his expression changing to one of panic as he realised what was happening. He started breathing heavily, his chest heaving as if he couldn't quite catch his breath. He was shaken up by what he was seeing, and he was struggling to process it all. "Jimmy... that's Xornoth..." Gem said, speaking in a trembling voice. She sounded frightened as she recognised the demon that had been pulling Jimmy into the ocean. She knew that demon was not a good being and she was worried about what it was going to do to Jimmy and everyone else. Her expression was filled with concern as she watched the dream play out some more, waiting to see what would happen next. As everyone whispered to each other about what they had seen in the dream, Scott got up and left the room, and Jimmy followed him, doing his best to not be noticed by anyone. He wasn't sure what Scott was up to or why he wanted to be alone. Was he processing the dream or coming up with a plan? Jimmy wasn't certain, but he wanted to make sure he could keep an eye on him and make sure Scott was alright. Scott entered his room, and Jimmy could see that he was frightened. His heart dropped at seeing Scott's expression, and after a few minutes, he knocked gently on the door. "Hey Scott, it's me Jimmy," he said, trying to sound comforting. Scott didn't answer or even open the door, and Jimmy was worried that he might be hiding something or that he was keeping something from them. He knew that Scott knew more than he was letting on about Xornoth, and he was desperate to find out what it was. "Hey Scott, I'm gonna open the door now, I'm worried about you." Jimmy said, sounding more determined now, and he started opening the door slowly. Scott's room was small and had a royal feel to it. The colorscheme was gold, teal, and white, and Jimmy could see Scott sitting on the edge of the bed, holding a poppy flower in one hand and staring at it. He looked up slowly, his eyes meeting Jimmy's, and for a moment, neither of them said anything. Jimmy walked up to Scott and sat down next to him, putting his arm around Scott's shoulder. Scott continued to play with the poppy in his hand, leaning his head against Jimmy's shoulder. Slowly, Scott's breathing began to slow down and his body relaxed a bit. He seemed to feel calmer and better with Jimmy right beside him, and he remained there, leaning against Jimmy's shoulder and fiddling with the flower in his hand. Jimmy could feel the tension leaving Scott's body as he sat there, feeling glad that he could be there for him in that moment. Jimmy stayed there, holding Scott's shoulder, and after a few more moments, Scott turned towards him, his expression looking more relaxed and peaceful. He looked up at Jimmy with a small smile on his face. "Thank you, Jimmy..." he said quietly, sounding grateful for Jimmy's presence and understanding. Jimmy smiled back at Scott and rubbed his shoulder gently, feeling happy to see Scott relaxing a bit. "No problem, Scott," he said supportively. It seemed that Jimmy's presence had really helped Scott to feel calmer and more at peace. "You wanna talk about it?" Jimmy asked, their eyes locking and his heart racing, his eyes looking at Scott's blue ones. "Not today, flower- I mean Jimmy," Scott said, smiling and turning away slightly from Jimmy's gaze. It seemed like he was trying to play it off coolly, but Jimmy could still see the fear in his eyes, and he hoped that Scott would be able to open up and talk to him about it at some point. For now, however, he was happy to see Scott smiling and relaxing a bit. "Hey Scott?" Jimmy asked, and Scott looked at him, his expression changing from one of anxiety to one of confusion and then to one of understanding. "Yeah?" Scott asked. "Can you tell me more about your Jimmy?" Jimmy asked. Scott thought for a moment before smiling and saying, "The first time me and Jimmy actually became friends was when I got kidnapped by Sausage and Joey... Me and Gem were in the cells and my wings were broken. Sausage and Joey left for a moment and Jimmy found us." Scott's expression became more serious as he recalled the events that had helped him become friends with Jimmy. He remembered how scared he had been and how Jimmy had rescued him and seen past his wings and cold personality to see the person he was beneath all that. They had become friends that day, and it felt like a moment of vulnerability and connection. "I was so scared... and then Jimmy found me and rescued me. He was so brave and he was the first one to see past my wings and my cold personality to everyone," Scott said. "He must be so important to you, I'm so sorry you lost him..." Jimmy said sadly. "It's fine now, I have you!" Scott said, trying to cheer up Jimmy. They both stared at each other for a few moments, their eyes locking and not breaking away. Scott could feel an invisible string pulling him closer towards Jimmy, but he stopped it before he did anything. He blushed and thought to himself, "Hey, Jim? Yeah? Wanna go somewhere?" Scott smiled at Jimmy, his expression showing an underlying flirtatiousness and playfulness. "But, Jim, you have to be blindfolded!" Scott giggled. "Scott, you're so annoying!" Jimmy gasped, his cheeks tinting a bit as he glanced at Scott. "Fine!" Scott replied, picking up a scrap of fabric from his bedside table and wrapping it around Jimmy's head. "Okay, now, Jim, do you trust me?" Scott asked. Jimmy paused for a moment, smiling at Scott and blushing slightly. He nodded, letting out a soft, "Yes," followed by a small chuckle, indicating his trust towards Scott. Scott took Jimmy's hand, and he realized how soft and warm his hand was, compared to his cold hands, and he smiled. 

Scott guided Jimmy outside the buildings and into the mountains, taking him to a place that felt isolated from the world and safe. They both entered the caves, and Scott sat Jimmy down, making sure he wouldn't get lost or hurt among the rough terrain. Scott turned to face Jimmy and took a few steps closer, his expression becoming more serious as he looked at Jimmy's blushing face. Scott played with Jimmy's hair as he sat across from him on the picnic blanket, and Jimmy blushed at the touch of Scott's hand playing with his hair. "Hey, Scott, can I take the blindfold off?" Jimmy asked, still blushing. "Oh, yeah, sorry," Scott laughed. "Let me help you!" He moved closer to Jimmy and carefully helped remove the blindfold. When Jimmy opened his eyes, he saw Scott's face only meters away, staring at him with his bright blue eyes and his cute smile. Jimmy couldn't help but be mesmerised by his face, drawn towards him and wanting their faces to come closer together. Scott smiled back at Jimmy and giggled, enjoying the moment and noticing how Jimmy was almost unconsciously pulling him closer. Their faces came closer together, and they were now only centimetres away from touching, their smiles and gazes locked together. Everything about Scott was so captivating and charming, and he was drawn to Scott in a way he had never been before. He felt like there was a connection between them that was impossible to deny, and he wanted more. Jimmy's head was spinning. He felt like he was falling in love with Scott right there and then, and he was overwhelmed by his feelings. He let out a small chuckle, still playing with Scott's hair, but he couldn't find the words to speak. Instead, he just smiled back at Scott, his expression showing a sense of love, warmth, and appreciation. He felt like he had found a part of himself that had been missing, and he wanted to hold on to this moment forever. Scott smiled back at Jimmy, feeling the same way. Jimmy looked at Scott, wanting to get even closer to him and to kiss him. He leaned in gently and put his hand gently behind Scott's head, drawing them closer together. He could feel Scott's breath on his face, and he felt like their bodies were practically touching. He didn't care about anything else in the world except Scott, and he wanted him and the kiss so badly. They were so close, but the kiss was just out of reach, and Jimmy felt the anticipation building up inside of him. 

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