"It's dangerous, Adelaide. It could kill you," Xander warned, his concern deepening.

"And we couldn't ask you to give up something rightfully yours," Knox added, his love evident in his words.

To relinquish what's rightfully mine, to sacrifice for the sake of this love, it's a daunting proposition. But if it means an eternity by their side, I'd brave any storm, face any peril. The possibility of a life without them is unimaginable.

"I'll do it," I declared, my resolve unwavering.

"Adelaide..." Xander's voice quivered with a mix of admiration and concern.

"Just rest. You have many years to decide," Knox suggested a note of reassurance in his voice.

"I don't want to become a wrinkly old woman while you both stay the same," I quipped, trying to ease the tension with humour.

"You'd be a sexy old woman," Xander teased, attempting to lighten the mood.

I playfully hit Xander, who chuckled. "I'm serious," he insisted.

"As am I," I countered, my determination shining through.

"It's late, Elskling. You need rest," Knox gently urged.

"Fine," I relented, allowing weariness to overcome the emotional turmoil.

"Can I get one thing from both of you?" I requested with a sweet smile gracing my lips.

As if they knew what I wanted, Xander tenderly kissed me, while Knox pressed his lips gently to my mark. I turned and reciprocated the affection with Knox, the kiss a tender acknowledgment of our bond.

"Sov, Elskling," Knox whispered, the words carrying a weight of love and devotion.

The atmosphere thickened with emotions, each heartbeat echoing the gravity of the moment. The fear that gnawed at my soul still lingered, but within it now resided a seed of determination. Knox and Xander, my eternal pillars of strength, offered reassurances and pledges, their love a guiding beacon amidst the uncertainty.

As I lay in the soft embrace of the bed, their words echoed in my mind. The weight of their vows wrapped around me like a warm blanket, comforting yet burdened with the gravity of my decision.

"I can't imagine my life without you," I confessed in a hushed tone, my gaze lingering on the two immortals before me.

"You won't have to," Knox whispered, his voice tinged with a fervent promise.

Xander's eyes held an unspoken understanding, a silent agreement echoing through the room. "We'll find a way, Adelaide. Together."



The room was an oasis of warmth, an unexpected contrast to the tales spun about vampires. Nestled between two imposing figures, I could feel the intense heat emanating from their bodies, dispelling the myth of their supposed icy nature.

"I need to use the restroom," I announced a hint of urgency in my voice.

"No," Knox objected, his reluctance palpable.

"Knox, please," I persisted, attempting to negotiate.

He grumbled, his crimson eyes flashing a warning. "You better return to this bed in 2 minutes, or I'll come get you myself."

Near Death Experience (18+) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now