Chapter 15

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Gon terrified you.

When you should've been calmly lulled into a sleep, the vibrations from being hundreds of feet in the air alongside the silent sanctuary you were given, it all relaxing you into the seat you were sitting in...

But instead you anxiously watched Gon.

Seeing happy, go-lucky Gon who always looked at the good even in the worst situations instead staring expressionlessly out the window freaked the hell out of you.

You weren't sure if you were more terrified at the fact Gon was acting this way or that you were this worried at how Gon was acting.

If Akaki was here-
But she wasn't here.

Tentatively, you called out, "Gon?"

His gaze slowly turned to you, his stare dead as though he hadn't recognized you.

You frowned at that, "You shouldn't blame yourself."

Gon's eyes widened, that cold dead stare melting away,
"I wasn't.."

You lightly smiled, reassuringly, "Gon, you're bad at lying. Or keeping your thoughts off your face."

Gon's hand tightened on the armrest it has been resting on, "I can't help blaming myself, and Killua's older brother."

You reached forward, gently prying Gon's hand off the armrest. He'd begun to actually tear at it, his grip having left a mark.

You winced at that, hopefully no one would notice and actually bill you guys for it.

You only only mutter out,
"We'll get him back, you know that right?"

Gon kept silent, turning his gaze back to the window.

Your heartbeat turned erratic, your foot gently thumped against the floor repeatedly and your eyes jumped in and out of focus.

You weren't able to reassure Gon or yourself.

How great, you pretty sure you were going to be awarded best friend of the year award if this kept up.

You couldn't even be properly be excited for Akaki, who was finally making a big step in achieving her dreams.

Or be excited for yourself for the fact you passed the hunter exam.

Or be excited at the fact you'd never have to see Tonpa again.

But nooooooo, instead Killua just had to be the heir to the top assassin lineage for around...Hundreds of generations? And now his very deadly assassin brother just had to snatch him up just when Killua had begun to have friends for the first time.

And now said friends were on their way to retrieve him.

And one of those friends would be in great trouble for heading off to the Zoldyck estate without permission.

Ignoring the fact that they had already completed the hunter exam and had gotten a hunter's license without permission.

And had missed a very important phone call from someone who would definitely punish said friend for all the above and more.

And that friend was unlucky you.

You wanted to be courageous and be just as determined as Gon to get back Killua but when your own life was on the line...

This was definitely the reason Akaki had been your only friend for the four years you knew her.

And also the reason you had absolutely no friends before meeting her.

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