Volume 1: The Badge and the Burden

Start from the beginning

"Mr. Rosfield."

Bryce snapped out of his thoughts hearing his name called. "Yes Professor!"

"The question was when facing a Boarbatusk how would you go about slaying it." 

"Uh, I'd try and figure out how to expose its underbelly and dispatch it accordingly," Bryce stated scratching his cheek absent-mindedly.

"Correct Mr. Rosfield, but please pay attention next time how about to break the ice I  recount a story. A tale of a young, handsome man... Me! When I was a boy...

His words fade into white noise when Reina notices Bryce dozing off.

Her eye twitched at the fact their "leader" was setting a bad example so she decided to step on his foot waking the poor boy up.

Bryce winced in pain looking at Reina annoyed.

She stares dead at him and states, "At least Ulrick and Natalia are awake and attentive, You're our leader act like it, how you conduct yourself is an extension of us, and I don't want to be dragged down by your antics."

Bryce looked over to see Ruby goofing around causing him to snicker a bit earning a glare from both Weiss and Reina.

Ulrick and Natalia's eyes keep flicking between Weiss and Ruby and Reina and Bryce.

 "...Despite smelling of cabbages, my grandfather was a wise man. 'Peter', he told me..."

The speech transforms into a chorus of playful "blah"s, a symphony of giggles echoing in the air as Ruby gleefully unveils her artistic masterpiece to the amused crowd of her peers. Before them lies a whimsical rendering of their teacher—a whimsical ball adorned with limbs and a head, complete with comically exaggerated stink lines emanating from his figure. Proudly etched beneath the caricature is the caption "Professor Poop," a testament to Ruby's irreverent sense of humor.

A mischievous grin plays on Ruby's lips as she punctuates her creation with a lighthearted raspberry. Blake, Ulrick, Yang, Natalia, and Bryce erupt into laughter, their amusement bubbling over. However, not everyone in the audience shares the same sentiment. Weiss and Reina exchange disapproving glances, their expressions tinged with annoyance at Ruby's impromptu display of artistic rebellion. The room becomes a battleground of contrasting emotions, with the carefree laughter of some met by the disapproving frowns of others, creating a dynamic interplay of camaraderie and tension in the group.

 "Ah-heh-hem!" He waits until he has their attention again, "In the end, the Beowolf was no match for my sheer tenacity, and I returned to my village with the beast in captivity and my head held high, celebrated as a hero!"

The teacher takes a bow as both ice queens slowly get more and more frustrated with their leaders' antics.

"The moral of this story? A true Huntsman must be honorable!"

Ruby is balancing an apple on a book with her pencil held only by her finger while making a silly face. Reina having enough of Bryce's involvement twists her heal into Bryce's foot.

"A true Huntsman must be dependable!"

Ruby has fallen asleep again in the first class of the year.

"A true Huntsman must be strategic, well-educated, and wise!"

Ruby is not-so-subtly picking her nose, much to Weiss' building anger.

"So, who among you believes themselves to be the embodiment of these traits?"

Weiss still angry, she raises her hand, "I do, sir!"

"Well, then, let's find out!" Port turns to gesture at the glowing red eyes surrounded by shadow shaking the cage that traps it, "Step forward, and face your opponent!"

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