B.U.R.N: Bryce Rosfield

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-Set your life on fire, seek those who fan your flames...


Somewhere in downtown Vale...

The sun was setting painting the sky in a rosy red.

With the sounds of his black boots, we now see a more mature Bryce Rosfield, standing at an above-average height. He was wearing a dark red leather coat with silver flame designs and his phoenix emblem on his shoulder, a black and grey shirt underneath, and black jeans with a silver chain and cross hanging out of his pocket along with black fingerless gloves. 

Bryce was scrolling on his scroll texting someone with their username Wolfgang.

Wolfgang_8: How long will it take you to get here dude I'm getting stares.

Soul_CinderXVI: I'm sorry but you went ahead I told you I had an errand to run.

Wolfgang_8: Dude give it a rest I told you a fang member has your prized lighter give it a rest we haven't even started the school and you already wanna kick someone's ass.

Soul_CinderXVI: You wanna replace my lighter then go tell Finn "Oh I lost the gift you gave Bryce, what was it oh yeah that very expensive silver lighter."

Wolfgang_8: Just hurry up you know how people are about Faunus also don't get arrested again.

Soul_CinderXVI: Don't worry I'm getting my lighter back.

Wolfgang_8: Oh yeah before I forget since you are raiding a White Fang base snag us some dust while you are there.

Soul_CinderXVI: I thought the goal was not getting me arrested [-_-]

Bryce closed his scroll before walking into the docks. he was heading for a warehouse where he guessed where the captain and his prized lighter were.

"Hey! Human scum stop where you are." A fang member shouted at Bryce.

"Aren't you a bit far from home pretty boy." Another Fang member says as they point their guns at Bryce.

Bryce remained silent wanting to to see what their first move was.

"Hey say something boy before we shoot you."

"I don't think this one is all there in the head."

"Alright, I've seen enough deadly force authorized."

The White Fang aim their rifles at Bryce, and time begins to slow down from Bryce's perspective as he quickly draws his sidearm shooting two bullets before they can even pull the trigger on him.

When his semblance deactivates his perception of time returns to normal he winces a bit looking toward the guards writhing on the ground in pain. 

"You'll pay for this scum..." 

Bryce thought to himself "Maybe I put too much firepower..."

Bryce walks past them before kicking in the warehouse doors getting everyone's inside's attention. 

"Hello bitches, bro, and nonbinary hoes I'm going say this once where's my lighter."


The captain who was a Crocodile faunus lit a cigarette with Bryce's lighter before sliding it back in his pocket.

"Oh you mean this ol'thing sorry I've grown mighty attached to it, so beat it before I send you to momma in a box." 

"Well, this is going to be my whole night..." Bryce pinched the bridge of his nose.

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