Volume 1: The First Step Part 1

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Bryce woke up to singing and saw a poor soul being dragged away by the source of the singing.

"Morning Bro." Ulrick yawned. 

"I still hate mornings..." Bryce groggily said.

"So ready for initiation?" Ulrick asked rolling up his sleeping bag.

"Bro you know I hate mornings let my body calibrate," Bryce said still half asleep.

"What are you some kind of robot." Ulrick laughs as he finishes packing.

"I will bury you alive," Bryce says stretching.

"Well don't take too long man it's game day we gotta be at our best," Ulrick stated before walking out of the ballroom.

Bryce sighed before packing up his sleeping bag and getting ready for the day but, he was distracted by what the hell that dream was.

He wasn't paying attention and inevitably ran into someone. 

"Oh!" a feminine voice said sounding surprised.

Bryce regained his bearings getting up off the floor.

"I'm sorry I wasn't paying attention are you ok ma'am?" Bryce apologized offering her a hand.

"It's ok just watch where you are going next time." the girl said taking Bryce's hand.

He immediately takes notice of how cold her hand is.

"Hey now getting a look at you do I know you?" She questioned.

"No, I don't think we've met." Bryce lied because he already recognized her, she was the girl he got that strange chill from when they arrived.

"Yeah I remember you, you're the strange boy who keeps looking at me funny, Hi I'm Reina Maverick nice to meet you." She introduced herself.

"I'm Bryce, Bryce Rosfield," Bryce responded.

The moment the two of them got acquainted they both felt something back. For Bryce, that chill was back as he saw an icy aura around her and for Reina, she felt warm and saw a burning aura around him.

They stared into each other's eyes silver meeting blue making the silence more awkward but Reina decided to save this entire interaction.

"Rosfield Rosfield Oh! you're the one the headmaster was interested in." Reina states confusing Bryce further.

"He was interested in me?"

"Um but, we've spent too long talking we should probably get ready for initiation. I'll see you around Bryce." Reina walked away at a hurried pace.

"Weird wait did I make her uncomfortable?!" Bryce thought to himself.

Bryce met up with Ulrick and Natalia after getting his combat gear.

"Morning dude."

"Morning Bryce."

"Hey, you two you seem to be getting along nicely."

Ulrick and Natalia looked at each other before looking away from each other while Bryce was confused about what was going on.

"We're just good friends!" Ulrick stated

"Yes, Ulrick and I are just well acquainted," Natalia stated.

"You two just met like last night."

"Yeah, she just was really interested in Arachnid Boy," Ulrick states.

 "You two stayed up last night to talk about Arachnid Boy?" Bryce raises a brow.

Ulrick thinking of an excuse with the power of a supercomputer when Ruby, Jaune, and Yang appeared.

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