Volume 1: The Badge and the Burden

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It was morning at Beacon Academy, it was a beautiful day outside, birds were singing, and flowers are blooming, on days like these, it sucks not to be a morning person. unfortunately, Bryce Rosfield hated mornings.

"How long does he usually stay asleep?"

"He can sleep like the dead if he wants to on most days,"

"Then why are we hovering over him? We don't have time for this; I'm waking him up."

"Don't!" Ulrick loudly whispered.

Reina scoffed, "Why not? We have to get ready for class."

"Because he would've shot you, even if it's just dummy bullets; they still hurt." Ulrick eyes the gun Bryce is sleeping with.

"How do you usually wake him up?" Natalia asked.

"Ice dust from a distance,"

"Good, then I'm perfect for the job," Reina smirked.

"I don't like that look in her eyes," Ulrick said, sweating.

In the next instant, the room's temperature dropped, waking Bryce immediately.

"WHY THE FUCK IS IT SO COLD!" Bryce asked, shivering in his owl onesie.

Reina undid what she did and looked at Bryce smugly, "Good, you're awake now; we can start getting ready for the first day."

"What the fuck is wrong with you," Bryce asked.

"You don't want it to happen again; set an alarm next time." Reina went to the desk on the girl's side, brushing her silver hair.

Bryce started his morning routine with a boiling shower.

"The fuck is her problem...Never mind that. Why do I keep having that same dream ever since coming here?"

Bryce thinks back to the same recurring dream. The only difference is the Stone Phoenix statue becomes more fiery as the nights pass, but it remains chained up. He questions himself about what it all means while holding his head, trying to remember something but failing like always.

"Alright Bryce time for your first day at Beacon, sure it was a rough start but the day isn't ruined time to make good first impressions and be a good team leader." ________________________________________

After everyone got ready for the day by 8, getting to class pretty early.

Upon entry, they were greeted by an aged man with a magnificent mustache and the fact they were the few early students who decided to wake up at the asscrack of dawn.

"Ohoho more early birds aren't I lucky one hopefully you'll be attentive ones too and is that Ms. Maverick I see, I expect great things out of you."

"Hello to you too Professor," Reina responds respectfully paling in comparison to how she speaks to Bryce.

"It's like she's a completely different person..." Bryce thought to himself.

Team BURN sat in one of the first rows in the class this was definitely not Bryce's decision.

Waiting for the class to begin by 8:59 Team RWBY and JNPR busted through the doors 

Professor Port looked at the nearly late arrivals, "Glad to see you all join us, now get yourselves seated I have a grand lesson planned for a splendid first day Ho-Ho."

"Monsters! Deeeemons... Prowlers of the night! Yes, the creatures of Grimm have many names, but I merely refer to them as prey! Ha-ha!" Port began his lesson. 

Bryce furrowed his brows not paying attention to the lesson because of the strange impractical weapon mounted on the wall, "That's more impractical than Lycanbourne I mean an Axe Blunderbuss with how the axe is positioned  wouldn't the recoil cause you to stab yourself." Bryce spiraled in his thoughts.

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