Chapter 44

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Sofia's POV

I laid patiently on Fezco's couch, waiting for him to finish his shower. Faye was sitting on the step eating a peanut butter jelly sandwich. Ashtray was counting up his profits at the kitchen table as he always does.

Dozing off slowly, I found myself staring at Ashtray for a moment. I can't believe they killed somebody. Between Devin fucking Cassie and then going missing right along with everything else happening, I barely had any time to process the reality of these situations. It doesn't leave my mind no matter how much I try to act like things are normal.

Fez returns wearing sweatpants, no shirt, and a towel slung over his shoulder. He looks so good, always my first thought. "You see something you like?" he mumbles, watching me check him out and leaning down to place a kiss on my lips.

This caught me off guard and I kissed him back immediately, my chest overwhelmed with feelings. It was almost brain washing.

No matter what type of situations he gets into, I don't want to leave him alone. He's given me the love I spent my entire life seeking. He cups my cheek in his hand and deepens the kiss, making me smile and push him away lightly. "Babe, Faye is trying to eat" I joke with him.

He looks over at Faye and laughs once he sees her giving us the most criminal offense side eye while holding on to the last piece of her sandwich.

"My bad yo" he says, getting comfortable by my side. "No need to apologize. You guys are cute... Me and my boyfriend were like that not too long ago" she says, finishing her food.

"Custer, right?" I ask, hoping I didn't pronounce the name wrong. "Yeah. I miss him though... At least you guys can be together right now. Custer says we're still together, but... I don't know." she trails off, reminding me of how thankful I am to have Fez by my side. Especially after all the crazy stuff that has happened from day 1.

It must be difficult for Faye to live this way, house hopping. All because of her shitty boyfriend. "You'll see him again" I try to reassure her.

"You really think so?" she asks. "Yeah, real soon Faye. We just gotta get some things taken care of... but until then, I told him that you'd be safe here." Fez tells her.

I find myself moving closer to him and snuggling up to his chest. I wanted to fall asleep on the couch even though his bedroom was 5 seconds away. Being close with him was needed, to say the least. I've been stressing.

My phone begins to vibrate from the kitchen table. "Your sister is calling you" Ashtray tells me, unplugging and tossing it over to me. I caught it quickly and answer the phone, wondering why Maddy was calling me so late.

"Cass wants to stop over tonight..." she gets straight to the point. I sigh deeply. "Are you serious right now?" I ask without any emotion behind my voice.

I mean the girl literally just fucked my ex boyfriend who is currently missing. Does she even care about that? Probably not.

"I knoww but-" "Honestly, Maddy, you don't have to explain yourself to me. She has always been your friend, never mine. Just make sure that bitch doesn't go anywhere near my room. I'm staying with Fezco tonight anyway... You and I are gonna have to set up some ground rules for privacy when I come home." I tell her sternly before hanging up the phone.

Hanging out with Cassie is gonna have to be limited to the days that Maddy babysits Theo if she wants to stay friends with her. That woman has a huge house with a pool, there is no reason my sister needs to bring that mutt she calls 'friend' into my personal space. Especially not after what she did with my boyfriend.

She probably hates me even worse now that I beat her ass. Bitches like that can't be trusted.

"That was really inconsiderate" I sigh, shaking my head as I got up to plug my phone back in.

"Everything alright?" Fez asks calmly. "Yeah, no, my sister just thinks that its okay to bring anybody into the house" I keep my explanation brief. Fez already doesn't appreciate me being upset over anything related to Devin. Which includes any type of Cassie related drama.

I sat back down on Fezco's lap, wrapping myself around his body like a monkey. He's so warm... I could just fall asleep in his arms.

𝕟𝕖𝕩𝕥 𝕔𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣

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