Chapter 42

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Sofia's POV

I waited for Fezco patiently in the older woman's bedroom while Maddy played chess with Theo in the living room. After sending him my location, I turned my phone off and began thinking to myself. 

Where is Devin?

I know it was wrong of me to care after everything he did to me. After I already moved on. But I couldn't help but wonder ... the lack of closure ate away at me day by day.

I needed to know where he is or at least what happened. Why he disappeared. Anything would help. I can only imagine how his mom feels about him being missing...

I got changed into some more comfortable clothes, like a T-shirt and sweatpants. Maddy and I would be expected to leave soon anyway, I'm sure the rich couple will come home soon.

I decided to look deeper into his laptop, just to see if there was anything else I could make sense of. It was very cute for a business laptop, he even got a picture of us custom designed on the cover. Which completely contradicted all of the cheating that he was doing... Weird.

"Hey Sof, there's a car outside waiting f-... oh my God, is that Devin's laptop?" Maddy quickly cut herself off, shutting the door behind her and coming closer to the bed. "Yeah... this is what I was telling you at the party, all these messages with Cassie and Dev. Old FaceTime logs. Pictures. Dates back to forever ago. I just didn't want Fez to know about any of this." I admitted, turning the screen to her direction.

"Oh. My. God." she repeated, not believing her eyes. "Yeah I had to steal this from his room" I added, scrolling deeper into the messages. "I- okay get her tits out of my face, first of all" Maddy says, making me close the tab. I shut the laptop and roll up the charging cord.

"But look, thats Fez outside now. We can talk later, okay? But do me a favor and bring this home for me. Make sure it gets transported safely, without anybody knowing that you even have it." I instructed her, handing her everything that goes with it and grabbing my purse. I guess I can count on Maddy to bring this home for me... It is password protected.

I left her speechless, lastly grabbing my phone so that way I can go see Fez. When I walk outside, he was already waiting for me standing outside in front of the passenger seat.

I walk closer to him, expecting some type of hug or kiss. Something. But I got nothing.

He just looked at me closely, not saying a word about what happened 2 days ago or the lack of contact in between. He opened the car door for me and waited for me to get in, so I did.


He parked the car in some random parking lot. He turned the car off and looked at me, as if he was waiting for me to talk. I had no words.

He rolled his eyes and took his phone out of his pocket, pulling up some paused Twitter video. "Your little video went viral" he told me, making me take his phone. "What little video?" I ask, pressing play. It was me on top of Cassie.

"Girl gets her ass whooped for fucking some chicks boyfriend" he reads the caption out loud, sounding sick of me.

"EX boyfriend" i corrected him angrily.

"Thats what you get for fucking my boyfriend!"  then the video ended.

He looked at me again, shaking his head. I couldn't even challenge his point. It was a good one. But I'm gonna stick up for myself anyway.

"It literally shouldn't even matter Fez, we're not together and I said boyfriend because we were together at the time when he fucked Cassie." I explained to him.

"Yeah well you wanted to claim him so bad now look at his ass... missing." he laughs and shakes his head. "I'm sorry, what?" I said. "You heard me" he pulled out of the parking lot. Wow, the audacity of this man is crazy. "Don't joke like that... its serious" I tell him. "I know it" he adds. That smart ass mouth of his.

"Anyway, where are we going?" I ask him sternly. "Well... we were gonna sit in the parking lot and smoke but I need to get gas. Then we're gonna go for a drive. Talk a little."

I felt shivers going down my spine, something didn't feel right anymore. The whole thing with Devin, Fez, all of it just everything felt scary. Like an ominous horror movie without an end.

We drove in silence, the breeze blowing through my freshly cut hair. The windows were down and the sun was going down. He looked over at me but I kept my vision focused on the road. My cheeks turned red when he gently slid his hand across my lap and into my hand.

"Here we go" he said calmly, pulling into the nearest gas station. "You want anything from inside?" he asks, pulling out his wallet. I shake my head and watch him fill up the tank before running inside the shop to grab whatever.

The second he leaves the car, something catches my eye. A piece of receipt paper with what looks like some type of writing on it was slightly hanging from the sun visor.

I look outside to make sure Fezco wasn't looking my way before quickly pulling the mirror down and snatching the receipt.

My heart dropped when I saw what was written on the piece of paper. I was at a loss of words.

𝕟𝕖𝕩𝕥 𝕔𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣

Fezco // Safe Space (𝔼𝕦𝕡𝕙𝕠𝕣𝕚𝕒)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu