Chapter 12

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Sofia's POV

me: hey

Devin: Rue told me you were sleeping

me: ready to pass out, just got home not too long ago

Devin: you got my gifts?

me: yes. can I see you tomorrow?

Devin: of course babe that was the plan

That was last night. Now, I'm getting dressed up even though I felt no motivation to look nice for him at all after the things he's done. I know I bring it up a lot in my mental notes, but anybody who has been cheated on and abused understands the long-term effects it has on a person's brain.

If I could make it all go away and look at him differently, I would. It would make this loveless relationship a lot easier to deal with. In fact, I would still be in love with him. I would have never met Fez that night, because Devin would have loved me enough to show up for me.

Devin pulls up in front of my house and I step out on to the porch, re-applying my lip gloss. I walk to his car and sit down in the passenger seat, then I lean over to give him a kiss. He sits there uncomfortably but kisses me back, quickly explaining what his mood was for.

"You've been distant with me" he says in an empty voice, and I wait for him to continue. "I'm really not having a good morning, Sofia. I'm just asking you to cooperate with me today and we can get to the bottom of our problems so that way you can feel more comfortable seeing me again" he says, his voice having an edge to it.

"I- there is no problem, I mean there's nothing wrong." I tell him, wanting to avoid the whole cheating conversation. I won't risk slipping up and mentioning Fezco either, because that would make me a cheater too. I turn on the radio and skim through the stations, not realizing he was holding his head and leaning on the wheel.

"What's wrong?" I ask suddenly. "God, can you just stop talking" he blurts out, making me look down. "I have a headache, alright. I drank too much the other night. we should probably just get this show on the road so we can knock out the things I had planned for us today after your done school" he says and starts the car. I put my hands up and raise my eyebrows. "Alright, my bad" I mumble.

I hate this feeling. Like he's already waiting for the day to end. How can he make me feel so unwanted but go the lengths he goes just to keep this relationship? I hate it here.


He drops me off at school and I shake my head, slamming the door on my way out. I hadn't said anything to him but I saw enough. The ride was silent, but his phone was going off constantly. I caught a glimpse of who was texting him and MAYBE I'm delusional, but I saw what I saw. I didn't even feel like letting him pick me up after school today.

After a few classes went by, I found myself with my head down at my regular lunch table with Rue and Jules. They both came and sat down eventually. "What's wrong with you?" Rue asks bluntly. "Pizza girl" I mumble into the table. "Sorry what?" Rue asks, stopping in the middle of chewing her food. "Pizza girl" I repeated, lifting my head up. "Pizza girl?" Jules asks, raising an eyebrow at me.

"Devin drove me to school this morning and his phone kept going off. Maybe I'm just seeing things, but I swore the contact name said "Pizza girl". He literally has another bitch texting him while he's driving me to school." I explained. "That is extremely disrespectful. I see why you don't want to be with him" Rue nods. "Maybe.... maybe it just said pizza gabe." Jules tried to comfort me. But it was not working.

"Pizza gabe? Jules are you fucking kidding me, what does that even mean?" I question her further. "I don't know maybe like, a guy named gabe works at a pizza factory and he got a new job" she explains. We sit in silence for a moment. "That is the dumbest shit I've ever heard in my entire life." Rue responds. "Yeah, he would've told me about a job. Plus, he wouldn't have saved him under PIZZA gabe. Just gabe. It makes more sense. Something sneaky is happening again." I tell them.

Fezco // Safe Space (𝔼𝕦𝕡𝕙𝕠𝕣𝕚𝕒)Where stories live. Discover now