Chapter 36

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Sofia's POV

A week had gone by since then, and New Years would be rolling around soon. I felt extremely uneasy since the night of winter formal. Fez finally disclosed that the reason he didn't show his face was because they had been dealing with Mouse that night. He also told me about Ashtray killing Mouse, which is why he has been acting so distant this past week. I could tell that he'd rather have kept that information to himself, but he trusted me and didn't want to keep anything hidden.

I still couldn't shake the feeling of Devin having a stalker. He called me 2 days after the formal, and I picked up the phone considering that things have been fine between us. He told me that he felt like somebody had been following him. He began closing his windows every night and locking up the doors to his house more than usual.

I remembered the car I saw that night. The one that looked like Fezco's car, following Devin home. After the phone call, Devin ghosted me. I didn't question it, because I never enjoyed talking with him anyway. It gave me the ick, but I managed. Now I didn't have to manage, because he wasn't reaching out.

I would never accuse Fezco of stalking Devin, but even if I did... he had an alibi. He was home with Ashtray, and they had a problem of their own. He could have made time to follow Devin home, but I doubt that he would have been focused on anything but what Ashtray did... right? They had a body to take care of. That would be more important than tracking down my boyfriend's house. Right?

I never took Fez or Ash as killers, but after hearing the full story, it made more sense why Ashtray was taking extra precaution and trying to protect his brother. Mouse had a gun in his hand and was moving suspicious. Plus, Fez did say that Mouse was a problem who just had to be taken care of one way or another back when he drugged Rue.

Today was different. I got to spend time with Fez, and he seemed more focused on me than usual once he picked me up. He wasn't distracted with the fact that his brother had just murdered someone, he seemed relieved... as if a weight was lifted from his shoulders. Like he had just done something that had been waiting to get done.

I was feeling a lot better. I didn't question any further about the Mouse situation, I was just glad that I could hang out with Fez and not be bothered or harassed by Devin. Still, I wonder why... I'm not complaining. Just wondering why.

"You like bowling?" he asks casually, passing me the blunt as he stopped at a red light. "Yeah... but I was thinking we could stop for food instead" I tell him. We pulled up to one of the most expensive places in town less than 5 minutes later. He's taking me here for lunch?

"Fez, I don't mean to be rude, but... you just got raided" I whisper the last part. "Are you sure that you can afford this?" I ask, clutching my purse. "I told you, I took care of it. Just trust me, alright?" he asks. I nod.

He opens the door but I grab his wrist, stopping him. "Wait, Fez... I'm not dressed for this place" I said worriedly. "You look fine, shit, look at me." he says. I look down at his outfit to see that he's wearing new clothes, along with shoes I've never once seen on his feet before.

"Fez, your entire outfit is brand new. That's not fair" I tell him. "New, but not the most fancy attire, you feel me? You look good, don't worry about it." he reassures me. I sigh and decide to give in.

He's treating me, so why would I complain? As long as he thinks I look good, I thought to myself. Not like I dress up to impress anybody else. I'm here for him, that's all that matters. He opens the door for me and takes my hand, bringing me inside. This is honestly the most amazing brunch place I've ever seen. The architecture is amazing, and the art on the wall looks like it costs more than the restaurant itself. There is ivy hanging from the walls in a delicate fashion.

We're seated at a table with an amazing view, a window nearby and a fish tank that contained some of the most exotic looking fish I've ever seen in my life. "What made you decide to take me here?" I ask with a slight smile. "Why not?" he says casually, but deep down I knew he normally couldn't afford something like this. Well... maybe once in a while. I'm flattered that he would do this for me.

The waitress takes down our beverages of choice and disappears momentarily, leaving us alone again. "Fez, I really like this place. But... you know, you could have taken me anywhere and I would have been happy. Even, like, McDonald's" I mention. He smiles slightly. "I wouldn't take you there. You know.... my uncle Carl ate so much McDonald's that he got diabetes and they had to cut off his feet" he says, making me want to laugh. This is so wrong. Don't laugh.

"Oh, shit... how does he like, walk these days?" I ask his stupidly. "Oh, he doesn't. He's dead now." he adds. I hold back a laugh, but conveniently, he laughed at the same time. "So unless you wanna end up like him-" he says, making me smile. I push him lightly. "Fez, stop laughing, that's so messed up" I tell him. "You know you wanna laugh" he says, making me chuckle and shake my head.

Sometimes I worry that I'll see Devin in public. Not that I would see him here... unless he was with another girl. Speaking of Devin. "Sorry, I'll be right back. I gotta take this" I said, showing him my screen quickly and finding my way to the bathroom. Fezco didn't recognize the woman's name I'm sure. But the woman calling was actually Devin's mom, which is strange that she would contact me before him.

"Hello?" I ask quietly, holding the phone to my ear. "Sofia, sweetie, I don't mean to bother you but um... is Devin with you by any chance?" she asks. Something sounded off. "No, I'm out at lunch with a friend. Why, what's going on?" I ask. "Well... It's just, Devin hasn't been home for the past 2 days... I spoke with Nate, and he's not with him either." she explains.

I shiver a bit, thinking about how Nate got Fezco raided. I don't talk to Nate anymore. I don't think Maddy does either. But back to Devin. "I'm sorry, I have no idea... things were just getting better between us, but then he hasn't contacted me for these past few days. I had no idea he was missi-" "Thats no problem Sofia, I'm sure he's not missing" she cuts me off rather quickly. There was an eerie silence.

"I'm sorry to bother you. Thanks for telling me. Just um... let me know if you hear anything-" "Of course, I will call you immediately." I tell her before we got off the phone.

That's weird. Devin never disappears like that.

𝕟𝕖𝕩𝕥 𝕔𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣

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