Chapter 19

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Sofia's POV

"Rue! Sof!" Jules called over to us, both of us were laying in the grass after school the next day updating each other on everything. I told her how things between me and Fez have escalated, trusting that she wouldn't run her mouth. She never does get in anyone's business anyway, especially not mine. Rue told me about Jules... and her recent "online" shenanigans. Jules can be such a whore. Very inconsiderate of Rue's feelings toward her.

"Hey" she calls out to Jules. "Guess what" Jules says as she approaches us to sit on the grass next to her. "What?" Rue asks. "Okay, actually, first. You are the best softcore pornographer in the game. So thank you." she starts off. "I did not need to hear that" I mumble. "And second..." she ignores me, "Tyler wants to meet" she says with a grin on her face. I almost threw up in my mouth. After the things Rue have been telling me, she has the audacity to rub her encounters with another person in my friend's face? She acted so unbothered, but I know how jealous Rue truly feels deep down about Jules.

"Like, for real? In like, person?" she asks, trying to stay cool. "Yeah" Jules says with the smile still plastered on her face. "Thats cool. Where?" Rue responds. "The lake" she tells her. "When?" Rue questioned further. "On Saturday, after the carnival" Jules answers her. "Like... at night?" I ask her, feeling sketched out. "Of course, yeah" Jules says like it's nothing. "That doesn't seem like... a little weird?" Rue takes my side on this one.

"No, sis you watch way too much Dateline. Relax, he's like, our age, it's fine" Jules says to her. "Jules, you don't think that maybe... you should like meet him at the carnival?" Rue says. "Yeah, in public" I add. "I mean... we can't, he's a jock, his mom is super conservative. It's like a tough situation, it doesn't work" Jules tells her. "Honestly, Jules, I don't really care about the situation, because it just doesn't seem safe." Rue states bluntly.

They continue going back and forth until Jules just shakes her head and gives up, walking away. "Did she seriously just guilt trip you into thinking that you're wrong for trying to look out for her overall well being?" I ask, looking over at her. "Yep. That's exactly what just happened." Rue confirmed.


"Fez, can we stop at my house first?" I ask him casually as we drive away from my school. "Yeah, of course" he tells me. I run inside and grab my change of clothes quickly and make my way back out to his car before any of my family sees me. I saw Maddy eyeing me from the window. All she did was smirk and shake her head, so I flipped her off. She put her pointer finger through the hole she made with her other 2 fingers, acting like we was about to go fuck or something. I rolled my eyes and hopped back in his passenger seat.

He asked me about my day and we stopped to grab lunch in the sonic drive thru. "Thank you Fez" I smile at him, opening up my bag of food. "I still can't believe you like corndogs" he says to me, pulling off and driving toward his house. "And you don't?" I ask in disgust, eyeing him while licking it like it was a dick. "Chill" he laughed, shaking his head. "Cause if I did that I'd be gay" he says. "Duh." I respond, taking a bite out of it normally.

We arrive to his house and I follow close behind him, bag in my hand. "I'm gonna roll real quick, you can just wait in my room or whatever you wanna do. Ash is taking a nap, he hasn't been sleeping at night so try not to bother him." he tells me, closing the door behind us. "Okay. I'm gonna go to the bathroom" I tell him.

I walk passed the couch where Ashtray was resting, making my way to the bathroom so I can change into my next outfit that I was going to show him on our FaceTime call. Once I reached the bathroom, I pulled the baggie of molly I had stuffed in my bra out and used my nail to pick it out and snort it. Sorry, Maddy.

Maddy: Bitch did you steal my molly

me: There is 20 bucks under your pillow

The good ole switch-a-roo.

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