Chapter 32

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Sofia's POV

The next day after school, I was busy getting ready for Fez to pick me up while Maddy entertained our friends. Cassie, Kat, Lexi and BB were all sitting around the table talking about some random shit. Cassie being a whore as usual. I didn't see why... she had the option to break up with McKay, but I technically had no room to talk.

Plus, I didn't want to talk. Although our situations are very different, Cassie's life is none of my business. She's always been closer to Maddy than she was with me, even as kids.

Plus... ever since I came home from the trip, she has been acting strange toward me. Nobody else seemed to notice it so I kept my distance since she seemed like she was avoiding me for some reason anyway.

I was too busy applying makeup in the mirror and thinking about how Fez would be here in 10 minutes. How we fell asleep on the phone last night, and how sexy his voice sounded in my ear when he was fucking me for the first time. All these thoughts lead me to 1 conclusion: I am 100% in love with him.

We let this "thing" we had going on get way too far, and there was no turning back now. We've done more than crossed a few boundaries, we completely destroyed any chances of keeping this relationship minimal. I could tell that things were starting to escalate.

No matter how much he says that he "understands my situation" I know that deep down he wants more, I can feel it in his energy.

Flirting became kissing and kissing turned into sex. Our smoke sessions turned into dates that turned into falling in love. My thoughts were interrupted by Maddy talking to Cass.

"Wait, am I hearing this correctly? You want to tell McKay that you made out with Daniel at the carnival and on Halloween?" she asks with a raised eyebrow. I almost coughed up my lungs cause bitch I could never. I mean I wish but like.... Devin is literally abusive. McKay actually treats her right and she is fumbling the bag, but anywayyyy-

"Yeah, but I don't have to say it's Daniel" Cassie adds. "Bitch thats the craziest idea I've ever heard, right?" Maddy says, looking around the table for opinions. "For sure" BB agreed, nodding her head. "Yeah, but I wanna be honest with him" Cassie says. I stay quiet and listen to their conversation.

"You cannot tell McKay. If anyone says anything, you deny deny deny" Maddy clarified. "But it's not like I cheated cheated" Cassie rolls her eyes. "Kissing is worse, it is so much more intimate. Sofia, tell her-" "AHT AHT! No." I cut her off, giving her the look and raising a finger. She sighs and looks away.

"I know nothing about juggling 2 guys at once, don't ask me for advi- shit, Fez is outside. I'll catch you guys later" I tell them, putting my phone back in my pocket after checking it to see his message. Kat chuckles a little bit and Maddy shakes her head with a smirk on her face. They both knew my situation at this point.

Cassie gives me a confused look. "Sof... aren't you like, officially back with Devin now?" she asks. 

I get a sick feeling in my stomach. Not because of her knowing in general. I wasn't afraid that she would spread my business. But something else was bugging me. I stopped in my tracks for a moment. I had only told Maddy, and Maddy promised that she wouldn't tell any of our friends any time soon because they see me with Fez all the time.

So how does she know?

"Cass... I think you should be more worried about McKay finding out about Daniel" I shoot back at her before leaving the house. That was so weird. Why does she care about my business like that? She doesn't even talk to Devin... does she?

"Hey Sofi" Fez greeted me with a warm smile, turning on me seat warmer and leaning over to kiss me. I melt into the kiss and pull him closer, finally pulling away to see Kat walking down the street crying. "Damn what happen in there?" he asks. 

"I- uh... honestly, I don't know. Just some tension... we all have our issues going on right now, I guess. Mostly boy drama." I admit to him. "What boy drama you got goin on huh?" he questions me as a joke, making me roll my eyes and smirk. "You, obviously. Duh" I say, leaning in to kiss him again. We pull away slowly. 

"I don't talk much about you though... only with Maddy. I like to sit there and listen to their situations rather than talk about mine" I explain. "Why is that?" he asks, pulling out of the driveway.

"I feel like they have everything so simple. Our situation is a little more... complicated, you know?" I say, looking over at his face in the sunlight. "Yeah I would say that's an understatement. But complimented or not, it's still worth seeing you" he says, grabbing my hand and holding it in his. I felt the blush creeping up on my cheeks and I held his hand tighter, bringing it closer to my thigh.

I let go of his hand temporarily to pull out my hoop earrings from my purse, putting them on in the overview mirror.

"So how far is this ice cream place?" I ask him casually. "Far enough for us to finish this by the time we get there" he tells me, pulling out an already rolled blunt. I love him so much.

𝕟𝕖𝕩𝕥 𝕔𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣

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