Jungkook's senses got alerted when he saw Taehyung smirking and laughing, his breath got stuck in his throat, 21-year-old was frightened looking at the bloody devil. 

 Withing the span of seconds Taehyung clutched his neck again, this time pinning him under him harshly. Jungkook whimpered in pain when his head was slammed on the floor, his eyes momentarily closed with pain. 

"Kim Namjoon, Korea's best attorney, most demanded advocate of Seoul but can't even arrange himself evidence, he sticks his hands out in front of a low-born weakling like you...." digging his nails in his neck he whispered near his face "do you know he fled...after leaving you here?" 

Tears burned in Jungkook's eyes; the pain was unbearable "Yes!" Taehyung laughed with excitement "cry, cry louder because you are going to die here whereas he is drinking and enjoying his life outside...."

"You met him tonight, and already decided to give away your life? what kind of peace of mind is that?!" 

Jungkook flapped his hand in panic, his face was growing paler every minute but still he had some breath left when he snickered at Taehyung's face.

"You don't believe me dog? then tell me where he is ...hmm?" 

"I SAID BARK AND CALL YOU FUCKING OWNER!" Taehyung grabbed his collar and lifted his head a little from the floor before slamming it again harshly. Jungkook's head bled profusely.

"See? " He laughed "Nobody came ......he left you here to die" Taehyung left his collar and stood up, Jungkook watched him moving towards his desk in his blurry state. 

Taehyung opened his drawer and took out a switch blade, his nose was still bleeding, the blood was smeared till his jaw. The switched blade made a sharp noise, tears bundled in his eyes

'Why I am so...incompetent...' 

 He saw, he saw it all laying on that cold floor......he saw his vicious smirk, he saw his evil dancing in his eyes, but unfortunately for him, he was not able to move. his head was a mess... 

Taehyung whistled amusedly and crouched against his prey "Maybe if I gift him something he'll come?" 

The sharp switch blade slowly approached Jungkook's drenched cheeks, His tears lightly grazed that sharp tip, but his state was blindly ignored by a certain someone. 

 Slowly, painfully, Jungkook's anguished cries filled that dark cabin followed by the snickering of laughter. 

"Shh... It has just started" Taehyung placed his finger on his quivering lips. Taehyung's laugh ranged in the tensed cabin, Jungkook wished for a hope to ...live 

However, just as Taehyung was about to make another move, the cabin door swung open with a forceful bang. A furious Namjoon stormed in, his eyes ablaze with anger at the sight of his fanboy in distress. The air crackled with tension as Namjoon's gaze met Taehyung's, both men locked in a silent battle of wills.

Namjoon's voice, cold and determined, sliced through the tense atmosphere. "You've just made the biggest mistake of your life, Taehyung." The room seemed to tremble with the promise of retribution as Namjoon prepared to confront the dangerous mafia lord and rescue Jungkook from the clutches of the Vixen's Club.

"The more the merrier!" Taehyung jumped on his feet and clapped before approaching Namjoon. "Your Saviour is here!" Namjoon clenched his jaw 

"Finally, you got the attention you wanted Taehyung, I'm here"

"Finally, someone got the guts to confront me~" Taehyung's sang and stood across him with a smirk, Namjoon's eyes glanced behind and rested on Jungkook who was laid in his agony. 

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