{TEN} - Different Perspectives

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Saturday morning came by quickly with Priscilla waking up and catching up on the chores she couldn't do during week.

It wasn't until around 11am that Reese came knocking on the door.She left the rag she was using to clean the island in her kitchen then went to open the door.

"Hi Reese, good morning" She said smiling at him.

"Morning Pri. Are you excited for your date later?" He asked her.

"Excited and nervous, I know we are officially dating but it was sort of rushed and now we are going on an actual date, I just want everything to go well" she said chuckling nervously.

"I know, you're nervous but I promise you that you're gonna have fun. The reason I came over is to tell you I'll be gone for a few days maybe a week. I have a modelling campaign in Dubai"

"Oh" She said downcast. "So when are you leaving?" She asked.

"Actually my flight is by 12" He said looking down at his watch.

"That's sooner than I thought it was going to be"

"Yeah, I was just told yesterday after my shoot. Anyway, when I'm back next Saturday we're definitely going out Okay?"

"Okay" She answered smiling at him. "I'll miss you"

"I'll miss you too Pri" He said then pulled her closer giving her a hug.

When Reese left she closed her door then finished up her remaining chores. Around 2pm Anita came over and they spent the time talking and baking.

When it was now around 4:30pm Anita told her to start getting ready for her date while she rummaged through her closet looking for the perfect dress for her.

When Priscilla came out from the bathroom they started debating over three dresses Anita pulled out from her closet before she settled on a white off the shoulder dress with a slit that went up above her knee.

When Priscilla came out from the bathroom they started debating over three dresses Anita pulled out from her closet before she settled on a white off the shoulder dress with a slit that went up above her knee

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After she was done dressing, Anita helped her out on her make up. By the time she was done She couldn't recognize herself.

"Wow" She said staring at her reflection in the mirror. "I look beautiful" she added in awe.

"You've always been beautiful, I only accentuated it with a little make up" Anita said smiling at her. "Well I have to leave now" Anita said looking at the time. "Mr Richards will soon be here to pick you up. Call me when you get back, I want to here about everything" She added excitedly.

"So are you going home now"

"No, I'm going over to Cole's place. He called earlier. I'll see you in Monday" She said giving Priscilla a hug before leaving.

Priscilla kept staring at herself in the mirror for a few minutes before she decided to pick up her shoes and bag and move to the living room. Just as she settled her stuff on the floor she heard the door bell ring so she turned around and she went to the door.

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