{SEVEN} - New Secrets

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Priscilla parked her car in the parking lot before she stepped out smoothing her skirt then closing her door, just as she turned to walked to the building she felt someone looking at her and when she turned she saw Reggie looking at her.

She stared at him wondering why he was looking at her so intensely; he then raised his hand waving at her. She smiled at him awkwardly then raised her head too before turning and going into the building.

"Hey Neeta", She greeted.

"Hi Priscilla", Anita answered back.

"Well who's in a good mood?".

"It shows doesn't it?"

"That you're extremely happy? Yes, very much so"

"I really am", Anita sighed.

"Is Cole in yet?"

"No, he's actually going to be late today. He's running some errands outside the office for Mrs. Briggs".

"Oh okay, well when he does get in tell him I said hi".

"Will do, see you later"

Priscilla waved at her then rushed to the elevator when she saw she was about 2 minutes late.

"Please Lord, let him not be in the office yet" She silently prayed.

But no such luck for her cause as soon as she dropped her bag the buzzer went off indicating that he was already in his office and needed her attention. She quickly left her things and went into his office.

"Good morning sir, you called for me" she said and smiled in her most professional way.

"Good morning Miss Anderson, you know that you are late right?"

"Yes sir and I'm sorry about that"

"I've not had my morning coffee yet", He said staring at her.

"I know and I was just about to get it before you called me"

"It was supposed to be on my desk before I got here, you do realize that?"

"Yes sir I know, if you want to fire me over this I really understand, but I just want to say that I'm really sorry"

"Miss Anderson, I'm not firing you. I just wanted to make sure everything was okay because you're not usually late"

"Everything is fine sir, thanks for asking"

"So please take these files and scan them, then send them to my email" He said giving her a stack of files. "And please get me that coffee" he added.

"Yes sir", she simply answered and then took them leaving his office.

She dropped the stack on her table before going to prepare his coffee. When she was done brewing it, she went back to his office where she noticed he was at the cabinet by the door so she dropped the coffee on the table then turned to leave when she saw that he now stood behind her,

"Sir, hmm.....your coffee is on your desk"

"I know", he answered his hot breath on her face causing all sorts of pleasurable tremors to run through her body.

"Okay, so now if you'll excuse me I would like to leave" She hoped he would stop confusing her feelings but at the same time she undoubtedly wanted to feel the warm press of his body against hers. Instead he moved closer causing her to step back until she could feel herself already touching the desk behind.

"Sir", she said softly her voice failing her.

"Did you get my flowers and letter?" he asked huskily, his voice coming out as a deep timbre.

"Yes I did, thanks for the bouquet they were beautiful"

"Sure, but what of the letter?", he asked again with curious urgency in his tone.

"Yeah, I read it", she said trying to look everywhere else but his face.

"I meant what I said Priscilla. I know that I was a dick from the first time we met and I'm really sorry but I do have feelings for you". He said looking at her.

"I really like you and would like to take you out."

"I.....I really don't know what to say sir" she said now facing him.

"Trey, Call me Trey"

"That feels like it would be inappropriate"

"Doesn't matter to me, so what do you say"

"Trey honestly your attitude lately has been giving me whiplash but i could tell from your letter that you were being honest so I do forgive you. As for the other thing I do have feelings for you too. I don't just think it's a good idea to try anything" she said looking crestfallen.

"Priscilla, please don't give me an answer based on what you think people might say. I do like you and I'm elated that you feel the same way. So just please think about it, i would really love to take you out"

"I'll think about it" she said smiling a little.

"Now can I ask you what has really been on my mind?"

"Eh sure, what is it?"

"Please can i kiss you" He asked staring with so much longing in his eyes.

"Yes" she answered softly. "Kiss me" she added wetting her lips lightly with her tongue.

When he saw this single movement from her, he pulled her by the waist to himself taking her bottom lips between his and kissing her deeply. She followed his movement then raised her hands putting it around his neck. Once she did that he pulled her even closer and tighter which caused her to gasped and him to plunge his tongue into her mouth tasting her, with that she put her hands in his hair pulling on it which caused him to grunt and suck on her tongue.

At that gesture she too shoved her tongue in his mouth causing both of them to fight for dominance in which he won and he continued to explore her mouth before his hands moved from her waist down to her rear end squeezing on it which made her let out a loud moan making him go further with his tongue in her mouth.

She knew that if the kiss continued it would escalate to something she was not yet prepared for so she slowly pulled away but stayed in his arms.

"Wow" Trey said looking at her smiling brightly. "I never knew a kiss could be so mind blowing.

"Yeah" she answered breathing heavily.

"God you are so beautiful" he said stroking her face lightly.

"Thanks" she answered smiling. "I do have to get back to work. I don't want my boss to get mad"

"Oh I'm sure he wouldn't mind" he replied chuckling before he released her from his hold. She smiled at him before turning to leave his office; just as she left he too smiled to himself before he went back to his seat at his desk.

She was at her desk for about an hour scanning files and sending emails when she noticed someone enter the office. She looked up to see a woman she did not recognize, from her appearance the woman could be described as very beautiful with blond hair neatly styled and swept to the left side of her neck. She was wearing a dark green dress with gold designs and a very bold red lipstick with gold high heels and a handbag she had seen on TV for a commercial. I mean you could practically smell the riches off her.

"Good afternoon ma'am, how may i help you today?" she asked in her most professional voice.

"I want to see Tremont" She demanded sharply.

"Do you have an appointment Miss ..."

"It's Mrs Richards, Bianca Richards and i don't need an appointment to see my husband" she said then smiled cruelly.

"Your husband?" Priscilla asked looking very confused.

"Yes, Tremont is my husband. We've been married for over eight years now" She answered then passed her going straight into Trey's office.

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