{TWO} - Different Lives

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Priscilla gathered her things when she saw it was already five thirty then
proceeded to knock on Trey's door to let him know she was leaving.

"Come in" She heard him say from inside his office.

"Mr Richards, i just wanted to let you know i was leaving for the day"

"Oh it's already time, i still have some things i'm working on so i'll leave later. Have a good day"

"Goodbye sir" She said then left his office

Trey was tempted to offer her a ride home but he knew he might end up kissing her again and he didn't want their work relationship to be affected then turn out awkward but for the life of him anytime he sees her face all he thought about was how beautiful she was and what her lips tasted like.

She got to the parking lot and when she was about to enter her car she felt a presence behind her, she got a bit scared and turned when she saw a man behind her, she shouted dropping her keys on the ground.

"Oh my, i didn't mean to startle you" he said a bit expressionless.

She had seen him loitering around the office building since she started but she didn't want to assume anything of him so she always greeted him and walked straight into the office but even when he never came close to her, she had never found his presence comfortable.

She didn't know if to shout or insult him so she settled on letting it go.

"Never mind" she said to him then bent to pick up her keys. "Can i help you?" She asked him.

""Ah my name Reggie I'm the security officer for Richards and Partners law fun" he said pointing to the building
then lifted his lips in what looked like an attempt to smile. "You must be the
new assistant".

"Yes, i'm Priscilla Anderson"

"Nice to meet you" He said stretching out his hands for her to shake instead she just stared at him before giving a small wave.

"You too, I'm actually in a hurry to leave. I have somewhere to be now" she said because Reggie was giving her the weirdest vibes.

"Okay then good day" he said tipping his cap.

She quickly got into her car then noticed that Reggie kept staring at her until she drove out of the parking lot. She thought all that was weird but decided that she didn't really know him and that she shouldn't be bothered by it.

On the way home she remembered she barely had groceries and decided to stop by the supermarket to pick up some things for her apartment. When she got there she grabbed a trolley and went to the aisle for groceries then started picking out things she needed, when she got to the chicken her phone started ringing, picking it out from her pocket she saw it was Carson her ex-boyfriend.

She had been ignoring him ever since she found out about his infidelity but he seemed not to want to let it go and had being calling her.

"What do you want Carson, you would think my constant ignoring of your call is enough to get you to stop calling"

"Babe if you would just let me explain, you would see that it's all just a misunderstanding"

"Carson there is no misunderstanding you and Marissa have been sleeping with each other for over two years behind my back. Of all the girls in this world it had to be my so called best friend. There is nothing you can possibly say that makes it alright"

"Priscilla i love you, Marissa means nothing to me. Please i'm in front of your apartment door just let me in. Let's just talk"

Priscilla scoffed when she heard what he said before she replied "Carson i don't live there anymore and i seriously wish you would stop calling. I'm in a new place and i'm seriously trying to move on so please do the same maybe with Marissa you both deserve each other. Bye" she said then cut of the call.

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