{TWELVE} - Different Weekend

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The week dragged on slowly with Trey keeping a lot of late nights in office. Priscilla understood that the relationship was new but she was sad about the fact that he was always working and they barely got to spend time together outside the office.

"Good morning Nita" Priscilla greeted Anita as she strolled into the reception on Friday morning.

"Hey Pri, how was your night?" Anita asked smiling at her.

"It was good, Trey has been busy this whole week and I really don't want to spend another Friday night indoors. Do you know know any place we can hang out tonight?" Priscilla asked with hope evident in her voice.

"Well, there's this new club that opened in town, it's called  Night Owl and Cole and I were gonna check it out. It will be so much fun if you came with us." Anita said with hope evident in her voice.

"Fine. I don't think I have anything planned for this night or tomorrow morning" Priscilla said smiling at them."Anyway I have to get to my office now" She added looking down at the watch on her wrist.

"Ok then, we'll drop by, at your place around nine or so" Anita said to her as she was walking towards the elevator.

Priscilla quickly got to her desk just as she settled down she saw the telecom flashing it's using light indicating that Trey wanted to talk to her.

"Yes sir?" She asked after clicking on the button.

"Pri, can you get me a cup of coffee and bring in Mr Payne's file" Trey said over the line.

"Yes sir" she said then quickly went to do the job he assigned to her.

The moment she was done making his coffee she also took some snacks from the pantry knowing that, he likely skipped his breakfast. As so as she was done she grabbed the file he wanted from her desk then approached his office door knocking twice before she entered.

When she got in, she dropped the tray on his desk along with the file then turned to him by the window were he was on a call.

"Just tell him that we'll meet up tomorrow" He said finishing his call.
"Hey" he said turning towards her then giving his widest smile before he walked to were she was then pulled her my the waist giving her a kiss.

"Trey, we're in the office" Priscilla said looking at him wide eyed.

"I know, but it's my first seeing you today and I missed you" he answered gazing at her lovingly.

"Whatever" She said smiling before giving him a soft kiss in the lips.

"I wanted to inform you that I'll be out of town tomorrow due to a case"

"Oh do you need me?"

"Thanks for asking but no. I'll likely be gone all day tomorrow but if I can't finish on time then I'll be back on Sunday afternoon"

"Okay. Although I was hoping to spend time with you tomorrow"

"I know, I'm so sorry but I promise to make it up to you when I get back" he said then gave her another kiss before going back to his desk. "Oh thanks for the snacks I actually missed breakfast this morning"

"I thought so. Well I'm gonna go back to my desk now" She said then went back to her office.

The day quickly went by then by closing time, Trey saw her to the parking lot then gave her a goodnight kiss promising to call her before he left tomorrow.

By the time Priscilla got home it was already a few minutes before six. So she decided to just eat some noodles since she was going out later. After dinner she rested a bit falling asleep. The moment she woke up she was it was already eight then quickly head into the bathroom to have her bath and prepare her self to go out.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 01 ⏰

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