{ELEVEN} - New Jealousy

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Sunday came by with Priscilla mostly sleeping in then doing a little baking.
Since she didn't have much to do for the day, she decided to call Harry and take him up on his offer to show her around the town, since when they had planned to go some weeks ago their plans didn't pan out.

After talking to him over the phone, they decided to meet at the park which Priscilla was happy about since it wasn't so far from her apartment and she could walk there.

As she locked up her door going towards the elevator, she remembered how this morning she had tried to call her brother twice but the call wasn't going through so she felt he was probably deployed somewhere that there was no service. She always felt sad anytime she thought of her brother especially since the last time she saw him was their parents funeral.

Once in a while he sent her letters and postcards letting her know where he was and how he was doing but she hadn't heard back from him in months. She was hoping, he would call her so she could let him know that she had moved so that his letters would be delivered to her new place.

She didn't realize she was still thinking about her brother and she had gotten to the park when she heard her name being called out.

"Priscilla" Someone yelled her name which brought her out of her trance which made her turn to the direction of the shout before she saw Harry standing by the fountain.

She waved at him from were she was standing before moving her feet and walking to go meet him were he was by the fountain.

"Hi" She said when she got close to him.

"Hey, how are you doing?" Harry asked smiling at her.

"I'm good" She replied nodding her head up and down.

"I shouted your name like three times but you seemed lost in thought. Are you sure you're really okay" He asked.

"Yeah I am" She replied giving him a small smile. "So let's begin our tour" She added excitedly.

Harry showed her round the park then took her to parts of the town she would need to go once in a while. He showed her the gas station, the mechanic shop she had her car fixed at, the welfare centre, some hotels in the town, some shops and other places she ever needed to go to get some things.

By the time they were done it was well into the afternoon and he offered for them to get lunch at one of the diners he pointed out earlier on their tour.

When they got in, they went to a booth by the window before a waiter came up to them and placed the menu on the table.

"So what would you like to have? My treat" Harry said pulling one of the menu towards himself and the other to her.

"Oh thanks for the offer" She said smiling up at him. "I guess our have the chocolate chip pancakes and orange juice with a muffin. I didn't have breakfast this morning and I've been craving pancakes all day" She said smiling and explaining her order to him.

"That's fine, I guess I'll have that too but get the blueberry pancakes without the muffin" He said.

The waiter came back a minute later and took their other before coming back some time later with their food.

"This looks so good" Priscilla said picking up her fork before digging into her meal to eat and Harry doing the same.

As they ate they made small talk and got to know each other more with Priscilla finishing Harry quite funny. From their discussion, she learnt that he moved three years ago after he lost his wife of two years to cancer.

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