{NINE} - New Person

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Exactly five pm on Sunday Reese called over Priscilla to his apartment. She was a bit nervous since she had never been in his place; he was always the coming over to her place.

She looked at herself one more time in the mirror wondering why she was putting so much effort but part of her knew that deep down Reese’s friendship with her was something she was beginning to realize that she couldn’t be without and wanted him to like her as much as she liked him. As she was about to leave, her phone rang and she saw it was Anita.

She and Anita went shopping on Friday for Anita’s date with Cole but they hadn’t spoken since then.

“Hey Nita, how did the date go with Cole?” She asked excitedly.

“It was wonderful; he took me out to a fancy restaurant in the next town, when we got back to town after dinner we took a walk round the park then he officially asked me to be his girlfriend. The night was so beautiful by the time we got back to my apartment we were making out in his car. I know we’ve been friends and all for a long time but i didn’t want to invite him inside that just seemed too soon in our relationship but order than that everything was great”

“That sounds great Neeta, I’m so glad you had a great time. We’ll talk more
when we see at work tomorrow”

“Ok bae, bye love ya”

“Love you too” She replied then cut the call before smoothing her cloth then she left her apartment before going to Reese’s place and knocking on the door.

After she knocked, it took a bit before Reese came to knock on the door.

“Hey, sorry that took a while i just finished having my shower after putting the finishing touches on dinner. Well come on in” he said gesturing for her to come inside with his hands.

After eating dinner, they talked and got to know each other more then played some games before they decided to call it a night. Your car is still at the mechanic right?” He asked.

“Yeah, I’ll get it tomorrow after work.

Well i have to go now so that i can wake up earlier to catch the bus. I’ll see you later” she said leaving his apartment then waving him goodnight.

Just as Reese was about to go to bed he got a call from his agent telling him that he had a photo shoot early the next day.

Priscilla woke up in the morning glancing at the clock seeing she slept thirty minutes past the normal time when she woke up which was six. She quickly stood up from the bed the rushed around to do her morning routine before she made a quick sandwich then shoved it in her mouth before rushing out the door then to lock up. Just as she was locking up she remembered her car was still at the mechanic’s and she was supposed to pick it up later in the evening. She
frowned realizing that and how it will take her longer when she uses the bus.

“Shit today is just not my day” She said frowning even more.

“Hey Pretty lady” Reese said as he was coming out of his apartment and locking up the door which was two doors opposite hers.

“Hey Reese” She replied sadly

“Whoa, what’s with the downcast expression?”

“I woke up late and now that i’m trying to rush to work i just remembered that my car is still at the mechanic’s which will add to my lateness, because when i take the bus cause it’s going to stop like five times before i reach my destination and that’s going to take forever”

“Well you don’t have to worry about that i’m actually on the way to a photo shoot and i will be passing by your office so i could just drop you off”

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